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Implement ZonedDateTime.toLocaleString()
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The ZonedDateTime's time zone wins over the system's default time zone.
If you explicitly give a time zone in the formatter options, and you try
to format a ZonedDateTime with a time zone which is different from the
explicitly given time zone, then toLocaleString() will throw an exception.

formatRange() and formatRangeToParts() require ZonedDateTimes with the
same time zone.

See: #569
ptomato committed Nov 9, 2020


This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
1 parent cf0d12e commit ce097dc
Showing 3 changed files with 240 additions and 22 deletions.
97 changes: 78 additions & 19 deletions polyfill/lib/intl.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { ES } from './ecmascript.mjs';
import { GetIntrinsic } from './intrinsicclass.mjs';
import {
@@ -11,7 +12,8 @@ import {
} from './slots.mjs';
import { TimeZone } from './timezone.mjs';

@@ -20,9 +22,11 @@ const YM = Symbol('ym');
const MD = Symbol('md');
const TIME = Symbol('time');
const DATETIME = Symbol('datetime');
const INSTANT = Symbol('instant');
const ZONED = Symbol('zoneddatetime');
const INST = Symbol('instant');
const ORIGINAL = Symbol('original');
const TIMEZONE = Symbol('timezone');
const TZ_RESOLVED = Symbol('timezone');
const TZ_GIVEN = Symbol('timezone-id-given');
const CAL_ID = Symbol('calendar-id');

const descriptor = (value) => {
@@ -40,15 +44,18 @@ const ObjectAssign = Object.assign;
export function DateTimeFormat(locale = IntlDateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale, options = {}) {
if (!(this instanceof DateTimeFormat)) return new DateTimeFormat(locale, options);

this[TZ_GIVEN] = options.timeZone ? options.timeZone : null;

this[ORIGINAL] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, options);
this[TIMEZONE] = new TimeZone(this.resolvedOptions().timeZone);
this[TZ_RESOLVED] = new TimeZone(this.resolvedOptions().timeZone);
this[CAL_ID] = this.resolvedOptions().calendar;
this[DATE] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, dateAmend(options));
this[YM] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, yearMonthAmend(options));
this[MD] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, monthDayAmend(options));
this[TIME] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, timeAmend(options));
this[DATETIME] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, datetimeAmend(options));
this[INSTANT] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, instantAmend(options));
this[ZONED] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, zonedDateTimeAmend(options));
this[INST] = new IntlDateTimeFormat(locale, instantAmend(options));

DateTimeFormat.supportedLocalesOf = function (...args) {
@@ -75,17 +82,25 @@ function resolvedOptions() {
return this[ORIGINAL].resolvedOptions();

function adjustFormatterTimeZone(formatter, timeZone) {
if (!timeZone) return formatter;
const options = formatter.resolvedOptions();
return new IntlDateTimeFormat(options.locale, { ...options, timeZone });

function format(datetime, {
const { instant, formatter } = extractOverrides(datetime, this);
let { instant, formatter, timeZone } = extractOverrides(datetime, this);
if (instant && formatter) {
formatter = adjustFormatterTimeZone(formatter, timeZone);
return formatter.format(instant.epochMilliseconds);
return this[ORIGINAL].format(datetime,;

function formatToParts(datetime, {
const { instant, formatter } = extractOverrides(datetime, this);
let { instant, formatter, timeZone } = extractOverrides(datetime, this);
if (instant && formatter) {
formatter = adjustFormatterTimeZone(formatter, timeZone);
return formatter.formatToParts(instant.epochMilliseconds);
return this[ORIGINAL].formatToParts(datetime,;
@@ -96,10 +111,14 @@ function formatRange(a, b) {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(a) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(b)) {
throw new TypeError('Intl.DateTimeFormat accepts two values of the same type');
const { instant: aa, formatter: aformatter } = extractOverrides(a, this);
const { instant: bb, formatter: bformatter } = extractOverrides(b, this);
const { instant: aa, formatter: aformatter, timeZone: atz } = extractOverrides(a, this);
const { instant: bb, formatter: bformatter, timeZone: btz } = extractOverrides(b, this);
if (atz && btz && ES.TimeZoneToString(atz) !== ES.TimeZoneToString(btz)) {
throw new RangeError('cannot format range between different time zones');
if (aa && bb && aformatter && bformatter && aformatter === bformatter) {
return aformatter.formatRange(aa.epochMilliseconds, bb.epochMilliseconds);
const formatter = adjustFormatterTimeZone(aformatter, atz);
return formatter.formatRange(aa.epochMilliseconds, bb.epochMilliseconds);
return this[ORIGINAL].formatRange(a, b);
@@ -110,10 +129,14 @@ function formatRangeToParts(a, b) {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(a) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(b)) {
throw new TypeError('Intl.DateTimeFormat accepts two values of the same type');
const { instant: aa, formatter: aformatter } = extractOverrides(a, this);
const { instant: bb, formatter: bformatter } = extractOverrides(b, this);
const { instant: aa, formatter: aformatter, timeZone: atz } = extractOverrides(a, this);
const { instant: bb, formatter: bformatter, timeZone: btz } = extractOverrides(b, this);
if (atz && btz && ES.TimeZoneToString(atz) !== ES.TimeZoneToString(btz)) {
throw new RangeError('cannot format range between different time zones');
if (aa && bb && aformatter && bformatter && aformatter === bformatter) {
return aformatter.formatRangeToParts(aa.epochMilliseconds, bb.epochMilliseconds);
const formatter = adjustFormatterTimeZone(aformatter, atz);
return formatter.formatRangeToParts(aa.epochMilliseconds, bb.epochMilliseconds);
return this[ORIGINAL].formatRangeToParts(a, b);
@@ -197,6 +220,21 @@ function datetimeAmend(options) {
return options;

function zonedDateTimeAmend(options) {
if (!hasTimeOptions(options) && !hasDateOptions(options)) {
options = ObjectAssign({}, options, {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'numeric',
day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
second: 'numeric'
if (options.timeZoneName === undefined) options.timeZoneName = 'short';
return options;

function instantAmend(options) {
if (!hasTimeOptions(options) && !hasDateOptions(options)) {
options = ObjectAssign({}, options, {
@@ -231,7 +269,7 @@ function extractOverrides(temporalObj, main) {
const nanosecond = GetSlot(temporalObj, ISO_NANOSECOND);
const datetime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, main[CAL_ID]);
return {
instant: main[TIMEZONE].getInstantFor(datetime),
instant: main[TZ_RESOLVED].getInstantFor(datetime),
formatter: main[TIME]
@@ -248,7 +286,7 @@ function extractOverrides(temporalObj, main) {
const datetime = new DateTime(isoYear, isoMonth, referenceISODay, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, calendar);
return {
instant: main[TIMEZONE].getInstantFor(datetime),
instant: main[TZ_RESOLVED].getInstantFor(datetime),
formatter: main[YM]
@@ -265,7 +303,7 @@ function extractOverrides(temporalObj, main) {
const datetime = new DateTime(referenceISOYear, isoMonth, isoDay, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, calendar);
return {
instant: main[TIMEZONE].getInstantFor(datetime),
instant: main[TZ_RESOLVED].getInstantFor(datetime),
formatter: main[MD]
@@ -282,7 +320,7 @@ function extractOverrides(temporalObj, main) {
const datetime = new DateTime(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, main[CAL_ID]);
return {
instant: main[TIMEZONE].getInstantFor(datetime),
instant: main[TZ_RESOLVED].getInstantFor(datetime),
formatter: main[DATE]
@@ -319,15 +357,36 @@ function extractOverrides(temporalObj, main) {
return {
instant: main[TIMEZONE].getInstantFor(datetime),
instant: main[TZ_RESOLVED].getInstantFor(datetime),
formatter: main[DATETIME]

if (ES.IsTemporalZonedDateTime(temporalObj)) {
const calendar = ES.CalendarToString(GetSlot(temporalObj, CALENDAR));
if (calendar !== 'iso8601' && calendar !== main[CAL_ID]) {
throw new RangeError(
`cannot format ZonedDateTime with calendar ${calendar} in locale with calendar ${main[CAL_ID]}`

let timeZone = GetSlot(temporalObj, TIME_ZONE);
const objTimeZone = ES.TimeZoneToString(timeZone);
if (main[TZ_GIVEN] && main[TZ_GIVEN] !== objTimeZone) {
throw new RangeError(`timeZone option ${main[TZ_GIVEN]} doesn't match actual time zone ${objTimeZone}`);

return {
instant: GetSlot(temporalObj, INSTANT),
formatter: main[ZONED],

if (ES.IsTemporalInstant(temporalObj)) {
return {
instant: temporalObj,
formatter: main[INSTANT]
formatter: main[INST]

156 changes: 155 additions & 1 deletion polyfill/test/intl.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,6 +40,39 @@ describe('Intl', () => {
describe('zoneddatetime.toLocaleString()', () => {
const zdt = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from('1976-11-18T15:23:30+01:00[Europe/Vienna]');
it(`(${zdt}).toLocaleString('en-US')`, () => equal(zdt.toLocaleString('en'), '11/18/1976, 3:23:30 PM GMT+1'));
it(`(${zdt}).toLocaleString('de-AT')`, () => equal(zdt.toLocaleString('de'), '18.11.1976, 15:23:30 MEZ'));
const fmt = maybeGetWeekdayOnlyFormat();
if (fmt) it('uses only the options in resolvedOptions', () => equal(fmt.format(zdt), 'Thursday'));
it('can override the style of the time zone name', () => {
zdt.toLocaleString('en', { timeZoneName: 'long' }),
'11/18/1976, 3:23:30 PM Central European Standard Time'
it("works if the time zone given in options agrees with the object's time zone", () => {
equal(zdt.toLocaleString('en', { timeZone: 'Europe/Vienna' }), '11/18/1976, 3:23:30 PM GMT+1');
it("throws if the time zone given in options disagrees with the object's time zone", () => {
throws(() => zdt.toLocaleString('en', { timeZone: 'America/New_York' }), RangeError);
it("works when the object's calendar is the same as the locale's calendar", () => {
const zdt = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, 'UTC', 'japanese');
const result = zdt.toLocaleString('en-US-u-ca-japanese');
assert(result === '1/1/45, 12:00:00 AM UTC' || result === '1/1/45 S, 12:00:00 AM UTC');
it("adopts the locale's calendar when the object's calendar is ISO", () => {
const zdt = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from('1976-11-18T15:23:30+00:00[UTC]');
const result = zdt.toLocaleString('en-US-u-ca-japanese');
assert(result === '11/18/51, 3:23:30 PM UTC' || result === '11/18/51 S, 3:23:30 PM UTC');
it('throws when the calendars are different and not ISO', () => {
const zdt = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, 'UTC', 'gregory');
throws(() => zdt.toLocaleString('en-US-u-ca-japanese'));
describe('datetime.toLocaleString()', () => {
const datetime = Temporal.PlainDateTime.from('1976-11-18T15:23:30');
it(`(${datetime.toString()}).toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'America/New_York' })`, () =>
@@ -187,9 +220,11 @@ describe('Intl', () => {

const us = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { timeZone: 'America/New_York' });
const at = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('de-AT', { timeZone: 'Europe/Vienna' });
const us2 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US');
const at2 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('de-AT');
const usCalendar = us.resolvedOptions().calendar;
const atCalendar = at.resolvedOptions().calendar;
const t1 = '1976-11-18T14:23:30Z';
const t1 = '1976-11-18T14:23:30+00:00[UTC]';
const t2 = '2020-02-20T15:44:56-05:00[America/New_York]';
const start = new Date('1922-12-30'); // ☭
const end = new Date('1991-12-26');
@@ -199,6 +234,10 @@ describe('Intl', () => {
equal(us.format(Temporal.Instant.from(t1)), '11/18/1976, 9:23:30 AM');
equal(at.format(Temporal.Instant.from(t1)), '18.11.1976, 15:23:30');
it('should work for ZonedDateTime', () => {
equal(us2.format(Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t1)), '11/18/1976, 2:23:30 PM UTC');
equal(at2.format(Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t1)), '18.11.1976, 14:23:30 UTC');
it('should work for DateTime', () => {
equal(us.format(Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(t1)), '11/18/1976, 2:23:30 PM');
equal(at.format(Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(t1)), '18.11.1976, 14:23:30');
@@ -257,6 +296,40 @@ describe('Intl', () => {
{ type: 'second', value: '56' }
it('should work for ZonedDateTime', () => {
deepEqual(us2.formatToParts(Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t2)), [
{ type: 'month', value: '2' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/' },
{ type: 'day', value: '20' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/' },
{ type: 'year', value: '2020' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ', ' },
{ type: 'hour', value: '3' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':' },
{ type: 'minute', value: '44' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':' },
{ type: 'second', value: '56' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ' },
{ type: 'dayPeriod', value: 'PM' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ' },
{ type: 'timeZoneName', value: 'EST' }
deepEqual(at2.formatToParts(Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t2)), [
{ type: 'day', value: '20' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '.' },
{ type: 'month', value: '2' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '.' },
{ type: 'year', value: '2020' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ', ' },
{ type: 'hour', value: '15' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':' },
{ type: 'minute', value: '44' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':' },
{ type: 'second', value: '56' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ' },
{ type: 'timeZoneName', value: 'GMT-5' }
it('should work for DateTime', () => {
deepEqual(us.formatToParts(Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(t2)), [
{ type: 'month', value: '2' },
@@ -376,6 +449,12 @@ describe('Intl', () => {
'18.11.1976, 15:23:30 – 20.2.2020, 21:44:56'
it('should work for ZonedDateTime', () => {
const zdt1 = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t1);
const zdt2 = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t2).withTimeZone(zdt1.timeZone);
equal(us2.formatRange(zdt1, zdt2), '11/18/1976, 2:23:30 PM UTC – 2/20/2020, 8:44:56 PM UTC');
equal(at2.formatRange(zdt1, zdt2), '18.11.1976, 14:23:30 UTC – 20.2.2020, 20:44:56 UTC');
it('should work for DateTime', () => {
us.formatRange(Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(t1), Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(t2)),
@@ -447,6 +526,9 @@ describe('Intl', () => {
it('throws for two ZonedDateTimes with different time zones', () => {
throws(() => us2.formatRange(Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t1), Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t2)), RangeError);
describe('formatRangeToParts', () => {
it('should work for Instant', () => {
@@ -505,6 +587,72 @@ describe('Intl', () => {
{ type: 'second', value: '56', source: 'endRange' }
it('should work for ZonedDateTime', () => {
const zdt1 = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t1);
const zdt2 = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t2).withTimeZone(zdt1.timeZone);
deepEqual(us2.formatRangeToParts(zdt1, zdt2), [
{ type: 'month', value: '11', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'day', value: '18', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'year', value: '1976', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ', ', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'hour', value: '2', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'minute', value: '23', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'second', value: '30', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'dayPeriod', value: 'PM', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'timeZoneName', value: 'UTC', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' – ', source: 'shared' },
{ type: 'month', value: '2', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'day', value: '20', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'year', value: '2020', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ', ', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'hour', value: '8', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'minute', value: '44', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'second', value: '56', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'dayPeriod', value: 'PM', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'timeZoneName', value: 'UTC', source: 'endRange' }
deepEqual(at2.formatRangeToParts(zdt1, zdt2), [
{ type: 'day', value: '18', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '.', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'month', value: '11', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '.', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'year', value: '1976', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ', ', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'hour', value: '14', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'minute', value: '23', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'second', value: '30', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'timeZoneName', value: 'UTC', source: 'startRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' – ', source: 'shared' },
{ type: 'day', value: '20', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '.', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'month', value: '2', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '.', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'year', value: '2020', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ', ', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'hour', value: '20', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'minute', value: '44', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ':', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'second', value: '56', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ' ', source: 'endRange' },
{ type: 'timeZoneName', value: 'UTC', source: 'endRange' }
it('should work for DateTime', () => {
deepEqual(us.formatRangeToParts(Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(t1), Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(t2)), [
{ type: 'month', value: '11', source: 'startRange' },
@@ -735,6 +883,12 @@ describe('Intl', () => {
it('throws for two ZonedDateTimes with different time zones', () => {
() => us2.formatRangeToParts(Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t1), Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(t2)),
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions spec/intl.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -315,11 +315,16 @@ <h1>PartitionDateTimePattern ( _dateTimeFormat_, _x_ )</h1>
1. <ins>Let _pattern_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[TemporalDateTimePattern]].</ins>
1. <ins>Let _tm_ be { [[weekday]]: ! ToDayOfWeek(_x_.[[ISOYear]], _x_.[[ISOMonth]], _x_.[[ISODay]]), [[year]]: _x_.[[ISOYear]], [[month]]: _x_.[[ISOMonth]], [[day]]: _x_.[[ISODay]], [[hour]]: _x_.[[ISOHour]], [[minute]]: _x_.[[ISOMinute]], [[second]]: _x_.[[ISOSecond]] }.</ins>
1. <ins>If _date_ has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then</ins>
1. <ins>Let _calendar_ be ? CalendarToString(_x_).</ins>
1. <ins>Let _calendar_ be ? CalendarToString(_x_.[[Calendar]]).</ins>
1. <ins>If _calendar_ is not *"iso8601"* and not equal to _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], then</ins>
1. <ins>Throw a *RangeError* exception.</ins>
1. <ins>Let _timeZone_ be ? TimeZoneToString(_x_.[[TimeZone]]).</ins>
1. <ins>If _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]] is not equal to DefaultTimeZone(), and _timeZone_ is not equal to _dateTimeFormat_.[[TimeZone]], then</ins>
1. <ins>Throw a *RangeError* exception.</ins>
1. <ins>Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_x_.[[Nanoseconds]]).</ins>
1. <ins>Set _x_ to ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_x_.[[TimeZone]], _instant_, _calendar_).</ins>
1. <ins>Let _pattern_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[TemporalZonedDateTimePattern]].</ins>
1. <ins>Let _tm_ be { [[weekday]]: <mark>TODO</mark>, [[year]]: <mark>TODO</mark>, [[month]]: <mark>TODO</mark>, [[day]]: <mark>TODO</mark>, [[hour]]: <mark>TODO</mark>, [[minute]]: <mark>TODO</mark>, [[second]]: <mark>TODO</mark>, [[timeZoneName]]: ? TimeZoneToString(_date_) }.
1. <ins>Let _tm_ be { [[weekday]]: ! ToDayOfWeek(_x_.[[ISOYear]], _x_.[[ISOMonth]], _x_.[[ISODay]]), [[year]]: _x_.[[ISOYear]], [[month]]: _x_.[[ISOMonth]], [[day]]: _x_.[[ISODay]], [[hour]]: _x_.[[ISOHour]], [[minute]]: _x_.[[ISOMinute]], [[second]]: _x_.[[ISOSecond]], [[timeZoneName]]: _timeZone_ }.</ins>
1. <ins>If _pattern_ is *null*, throw a *TypeError* exception.</ins>
1. <ins>Else,</ins>
1. <ins>Let _pattern_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[Pattern]].</ins>

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