This repo provides the Code for DataAugmentationCGED Paper in ACL 2022.
- 1:Prepare the training data for the error generation model.
- python3 error_generation/
- 2:Train the model and predict the errors
- sh error_generation/
- 3: Filter non-error generated spans by span-level perplexity
- sh noise_filter/
- 4: auto label the generated span by editing method
- sh auto_label/
- 5: construct the final training sample
- sh sample_construction/
- 6: train the detection model with the augmented dataset
- sh error_detection/
- We don't have the copyright of the dataset. Please contact with the host of the CGED shared task
- The sample data is in ./data/train_data_process.txt.sample:
- transformers2.0.0
- RoBERTa-wwm-ext, Chinese. From repo