- Open the Dashboard and log into Connect.
- If you are not logged in yet watch for a popup.
- This may be in another tabbed or blocked by your popup blocker.
- Allow and whitelist the popup
- Log in with your Amazon Connect credentials (different from AWS)
- Once logged in you can close the popup and reload the dashboard (if needed)
- If you are not logged in yet watch for a popup.
- Place a call to 650-388-9214
- It will go through the regular prompts - if you press 2 (need help) it should route to the soft-phone
(there is a way to make the log in screen appear in the dashboard, we didnt bother implementing that for hackathon)
cd web-stack
VueJS Single Page Application using Amazon Connect Streams API
cd client
npm i
npm run serve
open browser ( chrome.. really.. ) and visit localhost:8080
This script will run a prod build and copy the code to AWS
npm run deploy
Typescript code that executable by Amazon Connect. Using Serverless Framework.
cd lambdas
npm i
npm run deploy-dev