A made-for-fun project that I built to improve my automation skills when I saw myself wasting a lot of time playing chess
According to chess.com terms of service using chessCheater online in rated games is illegal and I'm not responsible for any illegal uses of it!
- download any chess engine ( stockfish, komodo, batata or any other engine ) and save it as fish.exe
- create the player.py
file and copy from player.example.py
( make sure to change the username, password )
setup pythonic stuff
$ python -m venv env
# connect to python virtual env:
$ source env/Scripts/activate
# install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements
$ python main.py {account_number}
feel free to open issues when you face any problems
Note: chessCheaterPlus ( the undetectable version of code ) was deleted for some personal reasons