Docker container to create Japanese PostgreSQL documents.
sudo docker build -t pgsql_doc_ja .
sudo docker run --rm -v $HOME/volum:/var/volum pgsql_doc_ja
sudo ./
In any case you will see the compiled documents in $HOME/volum/html.
sudo ./ -p absolute_path_to_docdir -u your_uid -g your_gid
This will create html files under absolute_path_to_docdir/doc/src/sgml/html using uid your_uid and gid your_gid. You can ommit -u and/or -g option but the result html will be owned by root (uid=0, gid=0).
sudo ./ -p /home/t-ishii/work/doc-jp/jpug-doc -u 1000 -g 1000
You can specify git branch by specifying git "branch" by using "-b" option. The default is "doc_ja_9_4".
sudo ./ -p /home/t-ishii/work/doc-jp/jpug-doc -u 1000 -g 1000 -b doc_ja_9_4
You can specify which Linux distribution should be used in the container. The default is "ubuntu" (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). You can also specify CentOS 6 by using "-d centos6".
sudo ./ -p /home/t-ishii/work/doc-jp/jpug-doc -u 1000 -g 1000 -b doc_ja_9_4 -d ubuntu