is a UIViewController
subclass that provides an alternative solution to standard UIImagePickerController. Highlights are :-
- Have both modes within single screen (Use Library or Use Camera).
- Select Multiple Assets (Photos / Videos).
- Browse all the albums within one screen.
- Filters :- Photos(Default), Videos, All
- Supports Portrait & Landscape Modes. (Autorotation supported (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown))
- Uses Blocks for completion & cancel (Maintains integrity of code)
- Provides original ALAsset in returned response. (Better use it's properties)
- Provides ContentsURL for both Photos & Videos. (No UIImage directly, memory issues with multiple selection)
- Considers standard TabBarHeight and leaves space for that if set YES.
- Set Maximum Limits Independently on Photos, Videos, Assets.
- iOS 6.0 or later, ARC is must.
- QuartzCore.Framework
- AssetsLibrary.Framework
- Like CocoaPods, just add this to your podfile-
pod 'AssetPicker'
- Want the source directly, just copy the AssetPicker folder (Art & Source).
Configuring AssetPicker is just like this :
[AssetPicker showAssetPickerIn:self.navigationController
completionHandler:^(AssetPicker* picker, NSArray* assets)
NSLog(@"Assets --> %@", assets);
// Do your stuff here
// All done with the resources, let's reclaim disk memory
[AssetPicker clearLocalCopiesForAssets];
cancelHandler:^(AssetPicker* picker)
and your work is done. AssetPicker does it all for you.
- It uses AssetsLibrary to fetch Albums Info, populates it into a nice UI.
- Provides all the albums browsing within one screen.
- Provides Camera option for new photo / video capture.
![iPad_Portrait] (
![iPad_Landscape] (
![iPhone_Portrait] (
![iPhone_Landscape] (
Demo app includes just the above 'How To Use' code for reference.