is a UIView
subclass that creates a customizable loading activity indicator like control.
- Mimics Apple loading indicator from
App Store
- iOS 7.0 or later. (Uses UIKit Dynamics)
- QuartzCore.framework
- ARC enabled.
- Want a Pod for this, just add following line to your podfile-
pod 'Activity'
- You can directly copy the source files from Activity folder.
Configuring Activity is as simple as :
Activity* activity = [[Activity alloc] initWithStyle:ActivityStyleAppStoreBlue];
activity.frame = CGRectMake(50, 50, 30, 30);
[self.view addSubview:activity];
[activity startAnimating];
Activity takes it over from here. You just need to know start/stop animating.
Activity comes with a property set for it's customization as needed :-
: Choose a style convenient to you from 'StyleActivity' enum -
: Color for ring displayed as loading circle -
: Color for small circulator traversing ring's circumference -
: Thickness for Ring (Default : 1) -
: Diameter for Ring (Default : 28) -
: Duration for completing one Revolution. (Default : 1)
Given that UIColor is capable of color patterns handling made from images,
Activity can be used to take advantage of this feature.
![Screenshot] (
Demo app includes almost all of the property usages through a pretty basic example.
You can go through it to see these in action at first.