🦋 A redux toolkit that tracks your asynchronous redux actions (effects) and informs about the pending state using the selector function
List of supported libraries that process redux effects:
It's worth mention that redux-pending-effects
allows you to code simultaneously with all libraries above.
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to add a global loader/spinner to any side effect that your application is processing? Perhaps you are using Redux and some third-party library for asynchronous processing, for example, redux-saga / redux-thunk / promise middleware? Great, then it should be interesting to you.
Why not handle the pending state manually for each action?
- It is very unpleasant to create separately for this state and add start and end actions for these actions to each request.
- This is an open place to make mistakes because it's very easy to forget to add or remove these actions.
- It needs to be supported and somehow live with it.
Well, redux-pending-effects
does this from scratch:
- tracks your asynchronous code
- collects them in a bunch
- efficiently calculates active pending effects
- provides a selector for information about the current state of application loading
- available for debugging in redux-devtools
- independent of a particular asynchronous processing solution. Can be used simultaneously with
- replaces
in the matters of side effects (not actions chaining) andredux-promise-middleware
(essentially uses it out of the box)
npm install redux-pending-effects
provides its own state for storing active effects (pending promise phase).
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { includePendingReducer } from 'redux-pending-effects';
import { planetReducer as planet } from './planetReducer';
import { universeReducer as universe } from './universeReducer';
const appReducers = {
const reducersWithPending = includePendingReducer(appReducers);
export const rootReducer = combineReducers(reducersWithPending);
The package provides a single entry point for set up via configurePendingEffects
accepts a single configuration object parameter, with the following options:
promise: boolean
) - enable/disable tracking of asynchronous effects that you pass a promise to the payload. Yes, if the option enabled, you can pass promise to the payload, that is the wayredux-promise-middleware
does. For details, you can go to read the documentation of redux-promise-middleware about how this works.toolkit: boolean
) - enable/disable tracking of asynchronous effects produced by redux-toolkitsaga: boolean
) - enable/disable tracking of asynchronous effects produced by redux-sagaignoredActionTypes: string[]
) - list of action types to not track (do not react on actions with these types)
returns an object with two properties:
- an array of defined redux middlewaressagaOptions
- options forcreateSagaMiddleware
in case you intend to useredux-saga
Let's show an example with all options enabled.
import { configurePendingEffects } from 'redux-pending-effects';
import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import createSagaMiddleware from '@redux-saga/core';
import { rootReducer as reducer } from './root.reducer';
import { rootSaga } from './root.saga';
const { middlewares, sagaOptions } = configurePendingEffects({
promise: true,
toolkit: true,
saga: true,
ignoredActionTypes: ['IGNORED_ACTION_1', 'IGNORED_ACTION_2']
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware(sagaOptions);
const toolkitMiddlewares = getDefaultMiddleware();
const middleware = [...middlewares, ...toolkitMiddlewares, sagaMiddleware];
export const store = configureStore({ reducer, middleware });
Just a regular usage of redux selectors
import React from 'react';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { selectIsPending } from 'redux-pending-effects';
import { YourApplication } from './YourApplication';
import { AppLoader } from './App.loader';
export const App = () => {
const isPending = useSelector(selectIsPending);
return isPending ? <AppLoader /> : <YourApplication />;
At the moment, this library completely replaces redux-promise-middleware
In the plans, through the collaboration, expand the API of redux-promise-middleware
to reuse their internal API.
Also, right now this package can't track actions, created with redux-thunk
Contributions are welcome. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
If you made a PR, make sure to update tests as appropriate and keep the examples consistent.
Please reach me out if you have any questions or comments.
I find these packages useful and similar to this one. So, it's important to mention them here.
The main reason why I didn't choose them: they do one thing, and it's impossible to add something second to them.
This project is MIT licensed.