9 fail, 14 pass in 3h 8m 41s
2 files 10 suites 3h 8m 41s ⏱️
23 tests 14 ✅ 0 💤 9 ❌
41 runs 14 ✅ 0 💤 27 ❌
Results for commit 22de098.
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: As a client I want to receive contact liveness events: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:73:5
artifacts/junit-ffi-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 2m 24s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: FFI_WALLET doesn't have at least 2 contacts with status Online!
Scenario: As a client I want to receive contact liveness events
✔ Given I have a seed node SEED
✔ And I have non-default wallet WALLET1 connected to all seed nodes using DirectOnly
✔ And I have non-default wallet WALLET2 connected to all seed nodes using DirectOnly
✔ And I have a ffi wallet FFI_WALLET connected to seed node SEED
✔ When I add contact with alias ALIAS1 and address of WALLET1 to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
✔ And I add contact with alias ALIAS2 and address of WALLET2 to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
✔ And I have mining node MINER1 connected to base node SEED and wallet WALLET1
✔ And I have mining node MINER2 connected to base node SEED and wallet WALLET2
✔ And mining node MINER1 mines 1 blocks
✔ And mining node MINER2 mines 5 blocks
✔ Then I wait for wallet WALLET1 to have at least 100000000 uT
✔ And I wait for wallet WALLET2 to have at least 100000000 uT
✔ When I send 100000000 uT without waiting for broadcast from wallet WALLET1 to wallet FFI_WALLET at fee 20
✔ And I send 100000000 uT without waiting for broadcast from wallet WALLET2 to wallet FFI_WALLET at fee 20
✘ Then I wait for ffi wallet FFI_WALLET to have at least 2 contacts to be Online
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:92:9
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/wallet_ffi_steps.rs:264:1
Step panicked. Captured output: FFI_WALLET doesn't have at least 2 contacts with status Online!
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER1": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER1",
base_node_name: "SEED",
wallet_name: "WALLET1",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
"MINER2": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER2",
base_node_name: "SEED",
wallet_name: "WALLET2",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {
name: "FFI_WALLET",
port: 18457,
base_dir: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_12485/Wallet FFI/As a client I want to receive contact liveness events/ffi_wallets/FFI_WALLET_port_18457",
wallet: Mutex {
data: Wallet {
ptr: 0x00005578933a1a70,
liveness_data: Mutex {
data: {
"H4FgtujnEAdjKqKHVsMd4U8skAgeGvHgRYzUWtM8HrK5zE9ywtmAuQ2afH2CGBcBpvFu51myg7SmnYqNNdNFWpYphzX": ContactsLivenessData {
ptr: 0x00007f58dc004cf0,
"H4aa5nD9dN9z8fEevLBRNgC24S8gfrn8xnHaA9n2Z7oizPqo8EsxuqkEUjWcAmNCzsyFuonxHVGjZrYV6HcTXe38q7": ContactsLivenessData {
ptr: 0x00007f58c4018e60,
poisoned: false,
balance: CachedBalance {
available: 0,
time_locked: 0,
pending_incoming: 0,
pending_outgoing: 0,
poisoned: false,
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {
"H4FgtujnEAdjKqKHVsMd4U8skAgeGvHgRYzUWtM8HrK5zE9ywtmAuQ2afH2CGBcBpvFu51myg7SmnYqNNdNFWpYphzX": [
"H4ERmS6NViz1z8HPu4x64J6SbsNCUsxRtTFsfMX3ZF599hmuRagBdu1gLmdo9k9xtKFMXz8HYYdTFJn1JZLkybyHWGs": [
"H4aa5nD9dN9z8fEevLBRNgC24S8gfrn8xnHaA9n2Z7oizPqo8EsxuqkEUjWcAmNCzsyFuonxHVGjZrYV6HcTXe38q7": [
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:96:5
artifacts/junit-ffi-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 8m 35s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_WALLET with amount 2000000 at fee 20 failed to be broadcasted
Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received
✔ Given I have a seed node SEED
✔ When I have a base node BASE1 connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet SENDER connected to base node BASE1
✔ And I have a ffi wallet FFI_WALLET connected to base node BASE1
✔ When I add contact with alias ALIAS1 and address of SENDER to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
✔ When I have wallet RECEIVER connected to base node BASE1
✔ When I have mining node MINER connected to base node BASE1 and wallet SENDER
✔ When mining node MINER mines 10 blocks
✔ Then all nodes are at height 10
✔ Then I wait for wallet SENDER to have at least 2000000 uT
✘ And I send 2000000 uT from wallet SENDER to wallet FFI_WALLET at fee 20
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:108:9
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/wallet_steps.rs:848:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_WALLET with amount 2000000 at fee 20 failed to be broadcasted
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "BASE1",
wallet_name: "SENDER",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {
name: "FFI_WALLET",
port: 18327,
base_dir: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_12485/Wallet FFI/As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received/ffi_wallets/FFI_WALLET_port_18327",
wallet: Mutex {
data: Wallet {
ptr: 0x00005578934feb10,
liveness_data: Mutex {
data: {
"H4F56m1aFEhoWeh71k8EQKSGpzw5WCE1VEoqkLUSiYRWrKwitfNamQdoB5FpMgjXzuVM1g9eh72dt1xt1wxEtx9q59": ContactsLivenessData {
ptr: 0x00007f59fc05fbd0,
poisoned: false,
balance: CachedBalance {
available: 0,
time_locked: 0,
pending_incoming: 0,
pending_outgoing: 0,
poisoned: false,
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: As a client I want to send a one-sided transaction: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:175:5
artifacts/junit-ffi-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 9m 0s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_WALLET with amount 2400000 at fee 5 failed to be broadcasted
Scenario: As a client I want to send a one-sided transaction
✔ Given I have a seed node SEED
✔ When I have a base node BASE1 connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet SENDER connected to base node BASE1
✔ And I have a ffi wallet FFI_WALLET connected to base node BASE1
✔ When I have wallet RECEIVER connected to base node BASE1
✔ When I add contact with alias ALIAS1 and address of SENDER to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
✔ When I add contact with alias ALIAS2 and address of RECEIVER to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
✔ When I have mining node MINER connected to base node BASE1 and wallet SENDER
✔ When mining node MINER mines 10 blocks
✔ Then all nodes are at height 10
✔ Then I wait for wallet SENDER to have at least 129239250000 uT
✘ And I send 2400000 uT from wallet SENDER to wallet FFI_WALLET at fee 5
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:191:9
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/wallet_steps.rs:848:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_WALLET with amount 2400000 at fee 5 failed to be broadcasted
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "BASE1",
wallet_name: "SENDER",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {
name: "FFI_WALLET",
port: 18017,
base_dir: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_12485/Wallet FFI/As a client I want to send a one-sided transaction/ffi_wallets/FFI_WALLET_port_18017",
wallet: Mutex {
data: Wallet {
ptr: 0x00007f5c646fac60,
liveness_data: Mutex {
data: {
"H4BGygPUeKrwFTFx5wcGDXEEEuWEFcvFUy69yQBMcF3n5nKysaKNMnhXbgFcavYA5AG7MonN2uDgC6jpkoCMXGBKj2s": ContactsLivenessData {
ptr: 0x00007f57f401d3f0,
"H48RJ3D2CYHmCP3zymjw1rnBLtHB7zRGiRyFcRNAd127m8B1vELuqh3DoDueSNJULs2Mj5T1EmjZ7Vfd2NPfX2dUetf": ContactsLivenessData {
ptr: 0x00007f57e0009d80,
poisoned: false,
balance: CachedBalance {
available: 0,
time_locked: 0,
pending_incoming: 0,
pending_outgoing: 0,
poisoned: false,
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: As a client I want to receive a one-sided transaction: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:212:5
artifacts/junit-ffi-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 8m 44s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_RECEIVER with amount 1000000 at fee 20 failed to be broadcasted
Scenario: As a client I want to receive a one-sided transaction
✔ Given I have a seed node SEED
✔ When I have a base node BASE1 connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have a base node BASE2 connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet SENDER connected to base node BASE1
✔ And I have a ffi wallet FFI_RECEIVER connected to base node BASE2
✔ When I have mining node MINER connected to base node BASE1 and wallet SENDER
✔ When mining node MINER mines 10 blocks
✔ Then I wait for wallet SENDER to have at least 5000000 uT
✔ Then I send a one-sided transaction of 1000000 uT from SENDER to FFI_RECEIVER at fee 20
✔ When mining node MINER mines 2 blocks
✔ Then all nodes are at height 12
✔ Then ffi wallet FFI_RECEIVER detects AT_LEAST 1 ffi transactions to be TRANSACTION_STATUS_ONE_SIDED_UNCONFIRMED
✘ And I send 1000000 uT from wallet SENDER to wallet FFI_RECEIVER at fee 20
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:225:9
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/wallet_steps.rs:848:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_RECEIVER with amount 1000000 at fee 20 failed to be broadcasted
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "BASE1",
wallet_name: "SENDER",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {
port: 18271,
base_dir: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_12485/Wallet FFI/As a client I want to receive a one-sided transaction/ffi_wallets/FFI_RECEIVER_port_18271",
wallet: Mutex {
data: Wallet {
ptr: 0x00005578934feb10,
liveness_data: Mutex {
data: {},
poisoned: false,
balance: CachedBalance {
available: 0,
time_locked: 0,
pending_incoming: 1000000,
pending_outgoing: 0,
poisoned: false,
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {
"H4KnjUrD6PFsZAVfrqL68EMGba7KNjFVg55LuGai37GRY5qyVZHBRx3ktyCx9Vmfyyoq9BijgcpJPLwZNqbUBMV3DC1": [
"H4AYN52CTvk54synZvY1LMQrc1fU338rt99K2Ucg3xYYsRMVyJDYZHTpWZxccvPNnyEQFdMuZsFRyE6Afca2ZYjkPiR": [
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: Simple reorg with burned output: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:33:3
artifacts/junit-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 2m 46s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: base node didn't synchronize successfully with height 17, current chain height 15
Scenario: Simple reorg with burned output
✔ Given I have a seed node SEED_B
✔ When I have a base node B connected to seed SEED_B
✔ When I have wallet WB connected to base node B
✔ When I have mining node BM connected to base node B and wallet WB
✔ When mining node BM mines 10 blocks with min difficulty 1 and max difficulty 1
✔ When I wait for wallet WB to have at least 55000000000 uT
✔ When I create a burn transaction of 1000000 uT from WB at fee 100
✔ When mining node BM mines 5 blocks with min difficulty 1 and max difficulty 1
✔ Given I have a seed node SEED_C
✔ When I have a base node C connected to seed SEED_C
✔ When I have wallet WC connected to base node C
✔ When I have mining node CM connected to base node C and wallet WC
✔ When mining node CM mines 17 blocks with min difficulty 1 and max difficulty 1
✔ Then node B is at height 15
✔ Then node C is at height 17
✔ When I have a base node SA connected to nodes B,C
✔ Then node SA is at height 17
✘ Then node B is at height 17
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:59:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/node_steps.rs:218:1
Step panicked. Captured output: base node didn't synchronize successfully with height 17, current chain height 15
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"BM": MinerProcess {
name: "BM",
base_node_name: "B",
wallet_name: "WB",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
"CM": MinerProcess {
name: "CM",
base_node_name: "C",
wallet_name: "WC",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
"WB": "B",
"WC": "C",
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: When a new node joins the network, it receives all peers: tests/features/Sync.feature:77:3
artifacts/junit-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 2m 3s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Node NODE2 only received 1 of 11 expected peers
Scenario: When a new node joins the network, it receives all peers
✔ Given I have 10 seed nodes
✔ When I have a base node NODE1 connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I wait for NODE1 to have 10 connections
✔ When I have a base node NODE2 connected to node NODE1
✔ Then NODE1 has at least 11 peers
✘ Then NODE2 has at least 11 peers
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/Sync.feature:83:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/node_steps.rs:933:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Node NODE2 only received 1 of 11 expected peers
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {},
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: As a wallet I want to submit a transaction: tests/features/WalletQuery.feature:18:3
artifacts/junit-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 8m 50s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from WALLET_A to WALLET_B with amount 5 at fee 10 failed to be broadcasted
Scenario: As a wallet I want to submit a transaction
✔ Given I have a seed node NODE
✔ When I have 1 base nodes connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet WALLET_A with 10T connected to base node NODE
✔ When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to base node NODE
✔ When I wait 5 seconds
✘ When I transfer 5T from WALLET_A to WALLET_B
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletQuery.feature:24:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/wallet_steps.rs:1428:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from WALLET_A to WALLET_B with amount 5 at fee 10 failed to be broadcasted
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"temp_miner": MinerProcess {
name: "temp_miner",
base_node_name: "NODE",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: Wallet imports pre_mine UTXO: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:170:3
artifacts/junit-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 8m 52s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from WALLET_A to WALLET_B with amount 1000000 at fee 100 failed to be broadcasted
Scenario: Wallet imports pre_mine UTXO
✔ Given I have a seed node NODE
✔ When I have 1 base nodes connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet WALLET_A connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet WALLET_C connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have mining node MINER connected to base node NODE and wallet WALLET_A
✔ When mining node MINER mines 5 blocks
✔ Then all nodes are at height 5
✔ Then I wait for wallet WALLET_A to have at least 10000000000 uT
✘ When I send 1000000 uT from wallet WALLET_A to wallet WALLET_B at fee 100
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:180:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/wallet_steps.rs:849:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from WALLET_A to WALLET_B with amount 1000000 at fee 100 failed to be broadcasted
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "NODE",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
All 3 runs failed: Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3
artifacts/junit-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 8m 50s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from WALLET_A to WALLET_B with amount 5 at fee 10 failed to be broadcasted
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node
✔ Given I have a seed node SEED_A
✔ When I have a seed node SEED_B
✔ When I have a base node NODE_A connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have a base node NODE_B connected to all seed nodes
✔ When I have wallet WALLET_A with 10T connected to base node NODE_A
✔ When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to base node NODE_B
✔ When I wait 5 seconds
✘ When I transfer 5T from WALLET_A to WALLET_B
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:17:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/wallet_steps.rs:1428:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from WALLET_A to WALLET_B with amount 5 at fee 10 failed to be broadcasted
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"temp_miner": MinerProcess {
name: "temp_miner",
base_node_name: "NODE_A",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)
23 tests found
There are 23 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Scenario: As a client I want to receive a one-sided transaction: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:212:5
Scenario: As a client I want to receive contact liveness events: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:73:5
Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:96:5
Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve the mnemonic word list for a given language: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:24:5
Scenario: As a client I want to send a one-sided transaction: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:175:5
Scenario: As a wallet I want to submit a transaction: tests/features/WalletQuery.feature:18:3
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3
Scenario: Clear out mempool: tests/features/Mempool.feature:46:3
Scenario: Create burn transaction: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:412:3
Scenario: Node rolls back reorg on invalid block: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:63:3
Scenario: Simple block sync: tests/features/Sync.feature:26:3
Scenario: Simple propagation: tests/features/Propagation.feature:26:3
Scenario: Simple reorg to stronger chain: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:8:3
Scenario: Simple reorg with burned output: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:33:3
Scenario: Sync burned output: tests/features/Sync.feature:34:3
Scenario: Transactions are propagated through a network: tests/features/Mempool.feature:8:3
Scenario: Verify UTXO and kernel MMR size in header: tests/features/BlockTemplate.feature:8:1
Scenario: Verify gprc can create block with more than 1 coinbase: tests/features/BlockTemplate.feature:14:5
Scenario: Wallet imports pre_mine UTXO: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:170:3
Scenario: Wallet recovery with connected base node staying online: tests/features/WalletRecovery.feature:8:5
Scenario: Wallet sending and receiving one-sided transactions: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:8:3
Scenario: When a new node joins the network, it receives all peers: tests/features/Sync.feature:77:3
Scenario: Zero-conf transactions: tests/features/Mempool.feature:124:3