TARDIS v2021.8.26
- 1c68761 Update zenodo.json [auto] [skip ci]
- acf9b60 add explicit jupyter dependency (#1789)
- 1994573 fix zenodo pipeline env (#1787)
- ef056ce fix for release task (#1786)
- 575002c Adding Progress Bars (#1703)
- efe5042 orchestrating continuous delivery pipeline (#1775)
- eb73057 Change docstring of time_0
- eb04f5d Correct the section name
- 9ea0fca Perform black format
- f585308 Edit documentation and notebook title
See More
- 0269157 docstring changes to util.py
- 892ab29 Rename some functions and variables
- 20669f7 Move Timer class and chang docstrings
- 5b3d6c0 Update tardis/visualization/widgets/custom_abundance.py
- fcd1422 Use pathlib and made minor changes
- 967d033 Clear widget output and add GIF
- 0cfd305 Add images for documentation
- b7dd739 Add new documentation
- 9862cd3 Black format
- af3b616 Add documentation
- 63ec7ce Add docstrings to new methods
- 7cee113 Add colorscale, add multi-shell selection in plot, load t_0
- c6c9e36 Fix density interpolation
- 0bfcee0 Fix shell overwriting bug
- b125d52 Fix density plot bug
- d309aa5 Adjust the layout
- 9aa0d62 Add radio buttons to switch apply type
- 1fde653 Add documentation
- a68bfd8 Fix adding element bug
- 066d816 Change the plot to step graph
- 21d74e1 Fix minor bugs
- 4e9acec Add docstrings
- 348ed73 Integrate custom abundance widget as a full module
- 2bf1b66 Fix hoverdata in plasma plots (#1778)
- 0275b71 Enabling virtual_packet_logging by default in the visualization folder (#1693)
- 170c96d Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci]
- 26981df Update zenodo.json [skip ci]
This list of changes was auto generated.