This is an application that I did for a client, GoodGuide. This is a private repository and I ask that you do not copy this code - this is just intended as a sample of some of my Android work. I did this a couple years ago, so the frameworks and methodologies may have changed since then.
I typically will code a: View, View Controller, Business Object, and some type of Model. This particular project was shipped with a 'seed' database of products that is updated periodically on resume or launch via a webservices call and passing the asOfdate.
- Custom UI Elements - Custom menu bar, search, item-detail tab bar.
- Seed DB with background refresh - App is shipped with db of over 30,000 products and pruned/refresh in BG
- Scan to Search - Scan to search functionality => locally => goodguide webservices => 3rd party upc site
- Native Search - Native android search
- Google Analytics - Google Analytics page views and actions