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Cosmin Cara edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 7 revisions

What is TAO?

TAO (stands for Tool Augmentation by user enhancements and Orchestration) is a lightweight, generic integration and distributed orchestration framework. It allows to reuse (i.e. integrate) commonly used toolboxes (such as, but not limited to, SNAP, Orfeo Toolbox, GDAL, PolSARPro, etc.). This framework allows for processing composition and distribution in such a way that end users could define by themselves processing workflows and easily integrate additional processing modules (by processing module it is understood either a standalone executable or a script). In terms of use, the TAO platform provides a mean for orchestration of heterogeneous processing components and libraries in order to process scientific data. This is achieved in following steps:

  • Preparation of resources (including processing components) and data input,
  • Definition of a workflow as a processing chain,
  • Execution of workflows,
  • Retrieval / visualization of the results. To have a simple view of the TAO platform, the platform model is split among four main macro-components. Such a macro-component is a logical collection of components with related functions. It has no direct relationship to the software implementation. Overview
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