We are "DU Newbies".We are working on this project specifically for NASA Space Apps Challenge 2016.
AirCheck is one of the challenges under the category earth in this year's Space Apps Challenge.We are developing an android app to solve problems in this category with the motto - "Be Aware Naturally".
We will collect data from users through our app and process it on our web servers. This data will help the users keep track of their personal health status and also help millions of people around the globe as it will help us predict the correlation between pollution and health risks more accurately.
By collecting environmental metrics from NASA Worldview, EOSDIS and analyzing it with crowd-sourced health-related data,we will be able to cater millions of people throughout the world.Using our app people will be able to take necessary precautions about environmental pollution related health risks and it will also raise awareness among them about the repercussions of Environmental Pollutions-which will ultimately lead to a better, greener world.
Promo of the Alpha Version of the App : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKnvGkp7LKk