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This is a parser tool of the LoRaWAN PHY payload.


  • Python 2.7 is required. Not tested with Python 3.x.
  • pycrypto

Usage [-h] [-b BEACON_RFU] [--nsekey NSEKEY]
                      [--askey ASKEY] [--xfcnt XFCNT] [-i] [-v] [-d]
                      [HEX_STR [HEX_STR ...]]

LoRaWAN frame parser. You can use stdin to pass the hex string if
the HEX_STR is '-'.

positional arguments:
  HEX_STR          a series or multiple of hex string.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -b BEACON_RFU    specify the number of bytes of the RFU in the beacon.
  --nsekey NSEKEY  specify NwkSEncKey(v1.1) or NwkSKey(v1.0.2).
  --askey ASKEY    specify AppSKey.
  --xfcnt XFCNT    specify the most significant 16-bit of the FCnt in hex.
  -i               ignore error. keep processing if any error happen
  -v               enable verbose mode.
  -d               increase debug mode.

How to pass the hex string of the data

You can put the hex string of the LoRaWAN PHY Payload into the arguments. The following string are decoded as a same string. i.e. '01 02 03 04'

0102 0304
0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04

The separater is a new line code. If you make a file containing some lines of the hex string like below.


The parser can decode each of them separately. Don't forget to specify "-" as the argument to pass the content of the file from the stdin, and the -i option if needed. e.g.

cat file | - -i

How to use

It will parse the string and show the result like below.

% 402105810080c9fe02a434eaa5f9787f187538d9b054ea0ffcb67898d4
=== PHYPayload ===
[x 40 21 05 81 00 80 c9 fe 02 a4 34 ea a5 f9 78 7f 18 75 38 d9 b0 54 ea 0f fc b6 78 98 d4]
## MHDR           [x40] [b01000000]
  MType         : Unconfirmed Data Up [b010]
  RFU           : [b000]
  Major         : LoRaWAN R1 [b00]
## MACPayload
  FHDR            [x2105810080c9fe02a434eaa5f9787f187538d9b054ea0ffc]
    DevAddr     : 00810521 [x21058100]
    FCtrl       : [x80] [b10000000]
      ADR       : 1
      ADRACKReq : 0
      ACK       : 0
      RFU/ClsB  : 0
      FOptsLen  : 0 [b0000]
    FCnt        : 65225 [xc9fe]
## FPort        : 2 [x02]
## FRMPayload   : a434eaa5f9787f187538d9b054ea0ffc
## MIC          : b67898d4

If the payload include FOpts (MAC Commands) and if you use the -v option, the output will be like below. You can see a short description of each command.

% 809a4ed301080200050707030703070308d7bcacbcfa
=== PHYPayload ===
[x 80 9a 4e d3 01 08 02 00 05 07 07 03 07 03 07 03 08 d7 bc ac bc fa]
## MHDR           [x80] [b10000000]
  MType         : Confirmed Data Up [b100]
  RFU           : [b000]
  Major         : LoRaWAN R1 [b00]
## MACPayload
  FHDR            [x9a4ed301080200050707030703070308d7]
    DevAddr     : 01d34e9a [x9a4ed301]
    FCtrl       : [x08] [b00001000]
      ADR       : 0
      ADRACKReq : 0
      ACK       : 0
      RFU/ClsB  : 0
      FOptsLen  : 8 [b1000]
    FCnt        : 2 [x0200]
    FOpts         [x0507070307030703]
## MAC Command (No. CMD (CID DIR) [MSG])
  01. RXParamSetupAns (x05 uplink) [07]
    Status           : [b00000111]
      RFU            : [b00000]
      RX1DRoffset ACK: 1
        ** Detail:  RX1DRoffset was successfully set. 
    RX2 Data rate ACK: 1
        ** Detail:  RX2 slot channel was successfully set. 
    Channel ACK      : 1
        ** Detail:  RX2 slot channel was successfully set. 
  02. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
    Status                : [x03]
      RFU                 : [b000000]
      Data rate range ok  : 1
        ** Detail:  The data rate range is compatible with the possibilities of the end-device. 
      Channel frequency ok: 1
        ** Detail:  The device is able to use this frequency. 
  03. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
    Status                : [x03]
      RFU                 : [b000000]
      Data rate range ok  : 1
        ** Detail:  The data rate range is compatible with the possibilities of the end-device. 
      Channel frequency ok: 1
        ** Detail:  The device is able to use this frequency. 
  04. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
    Status                : [x03]
      RFU                 : [b000000]
      Data rate range ok  : 1
        ** Detail:  The data rate range is compatible with the possibilities of the end-device. 
      Channel frequency ok: 1
        ** Detail:  The device is able to use this frequency. 
## FPort        : 8 [x08]
## FRMPayload   : d7
## MIC          : bcacbcfa

If the payload contains the encrypted field, you can specify NwkKey and/or AppSKey to decrypt it. The following example specifies the AppSKey.

% --askey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABB 40,B2,00,EF,BE,9A,03,00,03,07,05,07,07,03,07,03,10,04,02,09,AA,50,B1,F0,79,2F,31,AD,9C,63,78,5F,83,8D,95,C6,FE,81,D2,97,09,BA,3C,6E,19,B7,71,43,7C,
=== PHYPayload ===
[x 40 B2 00 EF BE 9A 03 00 03 07 05 07 07 03 07 03 10 04 02 09 AA 50 B1 F0 79 2F 31 AD 9C 63 78 5F 83 8D 95 C6 FE 81 D2 97 09 BA 3C 6E 19 B7 71 43 7C]
## MHDR           [x40] [b01000000]
  MType         : Unconfirmed Data Up [b010]
  RFU           : [b000]
  Major         : LoRaWAN R1 [b00]
## MACPayload
  FHDR            [xB200EFBE9A0300030705070703070310040209AA50B1F0792F31AD9C63785F838D95C6FE81D29709BA3C6E19]
    DevAddr     : BEEF00B2 [xB200EFBE]
    FCtrl       : [x9A] [b10011010]
      ADR       : 1
      ADRACKReq : 0
      ACK       : 0
      RFU/ClsB  : 1
      FOptsLen  : 10 [b1010]
    FCnt        : 3 [x0300]
    FOpts         [x03070507070307031004]
## MAC Command (No. CMD (CID DIR) [MSG])
  01. LinkADRAns (x03 uplink) [07]
    Status            : [b00000111] [x07]
      RFU             : [b00000]
      Power ACK       : 1
      Data_rate_ACK   : 1
      Channel_mask_ACK: 1
  02. RXParamSetupAns (x05 uplink) [07]
    Status           : [b00000111]
      RFU            : [b00000]
      RX1DRoffset ACK: 1
    RX2 Data rate ACK: 1
    Channel ACK      : 1
  03. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
    Status                : [x03]
      RFU                 : [b000000]
      Data rate range ok  : 1
      Channel frequency ok: 1
  04. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
    Status                : [x03]
      RFU                 : [b000000]
      Data rate range ok  : 1
      Channel frequency ok: 1
  05. PingSlotInfoReq (x10 uplink) [04]
    PingSlotParam: [b00000100] [x04]
      RFU        : [b0000]
      Periodicity: 2 [b10]
    FPort       : 2 [x02]
## FRMPayload   : [x09AA50B1F0792F31AD9C63785F838D95C6FE81D29709BA3C6E19]
  x 00 00 09 c4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
## MIC          : B771437C


(DECAYED) LoRaWAN PHY Payload Parser







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