This is a parser tool of the LoRaWAN PHY payload.
- Python 2.7 is required. Not tested with Python 3.x.
- pycrypto [-h] [-b BEACON_RFU] [--nsekey NSEKEY]
[--askey ASKEY] [--xfcnt XFCNT] [-i] [-v] [-d]
LoRaWAN frame parser. You can use stdin to pass the hex string if
the HEX_STR is '-'.
positional arguments:
HEX_STR a series or multiple of hex string.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BEACON_RFU specify the number of bytes of the RFU in the beacon.
--nsekey NSEKEY specify NwkSEncKey(v1.1) or NwkSKey(v1.0.2).
--askey ASKEY specify AppSKey.
--xfcnt XFCNT specify the most significant 16-bit of the FCnt in hex.
-i ignore error. keep processing if any error happen
-v enable verbose mode.
-d increase debug mode.
You can put the hex string of the LoRaWAN PHY Payload into the arguments. The following string are decoded as a same string. i.e. '01 02 03 04'
0102 0304
0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04
The separater is a new line code. If you make a file containing some lines of the hex string like below.
The parser can decode each of them separately. Don't forget to specify "-" as the argument to pass the content of the file from the stdin, and the -i option if needed. e.g.
cat file | - -i
It will parse the string and show the result like below.
% 402105810080c9fe02a434eaa5f9787f187538d9b054ea0ffcb67898d4
=== PHYPayload ===
[x 40 21 05 81 00 80 c9 fe 02 a4 34 ea a5 f9 78 7f 18 75 38 d9 b0 54 ea 0f fc b6 78 98 d4]
## MHDR [x40] [b01000000]
MType : Unconfirmed Data Up [b010]
RFU : [b000]
Major : LoRaWAN R1 [b00]
## MACPayload
FHDR [x2105810080c9fe02a434eaa5f9787f187538d9b054ea0ffc]
DevAddr : 00810521 [x21058100]
FCtrl : [x80] [b10000000]
ADR : 1
ACK : 0
RFU/ClsB : 0
FOptsLen : 0 [b0000]
FCnt : 65225 [xc9fe]
## FPort : 2 [x02]
## FRMPayload : a434eaa5f9787f187538d9b054ea0ffc
## MIC : b67898d4
If the payload include FOpts (MAC Commands) and if you use the -v option, the output will be like below. You can see a short description of each command.
% 809a4ed301080200050707030703070308d7bcacbcfa
=== PHYPayload ===
[x 80 9a 4e d3 01 08 02 00 05 07 07 03 07 03 07 03 08 d7 bc ac bc fa]
## MHDR [x80] [b10000000]
MType : Confirmed Data Up [b100]
RFU : [b000]
Major : LoRaWAN R1 [b00]
## MACPayload
FHDR [x9a4ed301080200050707030703070308d7]
DevAddr : 01d34e9a [x9a4ed301]
FCtrl : [x08] [b00001000]
ADR : 0
ACK : 0
RFU/ClsB : 0
FOptsLen : 8 [b1000]
FCnt : 2 [x0200]
FOpts [x0507070307030703]
## MAC Command (No. CMD (CID DIR) [MSG])
01. RXParamSetupAns (x05 uplink) [07]
Status : [b00000111]
RFU : [b00000]
RX1DRoffset ACK: 1
** Detail: RX1DRoffset was successfully set.
RX2 Data rate ACK: 1
** Detail: RX2 slot channel was successfully set.
Channel ACK : 1
** Detail: RX2 slot channel was successfully set.
02. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
Status : [x03]
RFU : [b000000]
Data rate range ok : 1
** Detail: The data rate range is compatible with the possibilities of the end-device.
Channel frequency ok: 1
** Detail: The device is able to use this frequency.
03. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
Status : [x03]
RFU : [b000000]
Data rate range ok : 1
** Detail: The data rate range is compatible with the possibilities of the end-device.
Channel frequency ok: 1
** Detail: The device is able to use this frequency.
04. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
Status : [x03]
RFU : [b000000]
Data rate range ok : 1
** Detail: The data rate range is compatible with the possibilities of the end-device.
Channel frequency ok: 1
** Detail: The device is able to use this frequency.
## FPort : 8 [x08]
## FRMPayload : d7
## MIC : bcacbcfa
If the payload contains the encrypted field, you can specify NwkKey and/or AppSKey to decrypt it. The following example specifies the AppSKey.
% --askey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABB 40,B2,00,EF,BE,9A,03,00,03,07,05,07,07,03,07,03,10,04,02,09,AA,50,B1,F0,79,2F,31,AD,9C,63,78,5F,83,8D,95,C6,FE,81,D2,97,09,BA,3C,6E,19,B7,71,43,7C,
=== PHYPayload ===
[x 40 B2 00 EF BE 9A 03 00 03 07 05 07 07 03 07 03 10 04 02 09 AA 50 B1 F0 79 2F 31 AD 9C 63 78 5F 83 8D 95 C6 FE 81 D2 97 09 BA 3C 6E 19 B7 71 43 7C]
## MHDR [x40] [b01000000]
MType : Unconfirmed Data Up [b010]
RFU : [b000]
Major : LoRaWAN R1 [b00]
## MACPayload
FHDR [xB200EFBE9A0300030705070703070310040209AA50B1F0792F31AD9C63785F838D95C6FE81D29709BA3C6E19]
DevAddr : BEEF00B2 [xB200EFBE]
FCtrl : [x9A] [b10011010]
ADR : 1
ACK : 0
RFU/ClsB : 1
FOptsLen : 10 [b1010]
FCnt : 3 [x0300]
FOpts [x03070507070307031004]
## MAC Command (No. CMD (CID DIR) [MSG])
01. LinkADRAns (x03 uplink) [07]
Status : [b00000111] [x07]
RFU : [b00000]
Power ACK : 1
Data_rate_ACK : 1
Channel_mask_ACK: 1
02. RXParamSetupAns (x05 uplink) [07]
Status : [b00000111]
RFU : [b00000]
RX1DRoffset ACK: 1
RX2 Data rate ACK: 1
Channel ACK : 1
03. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
Status : [x03]
RFU : [b000000]
Data rate range ok : 1
Channel frequency ok: 1
04. NewChannelAns (x07 uplink) [03]
Status : [x03]
RFU : [b000000]
Data rate range ok : 1
Channel frequency ok: 1
05. PingSlotInfoReq (x10 uplink) [04]
PingSlotParam: [b00000100] [x04]
RFU : [b0000]
Periodicity: 2 [b10]
FPort : 2 [x02]
## FRMPayload : [x09AA50B1F0792F31AD9C63785F838D95C6FE81D29709BA3C6E19]
x 00 00 09 c4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
## MIC : B771437C