the big picture
what we will build in this course ?
- a fully decentralize voting app which :
- smart contract is deployed to ethereum test network : ropsten, rinkeby
- webui is deployed to distributed file system called : ipfs
- why voting app is perfect to demo decentralize app ?
- ethereum blockchain make sure that no one could change data after it is made
- we do not want any people could change vote result once it is made
- and we do not want any people change the logic behind back end
- a fully decentralize voting app which :
structure of decentralize application:
- dapp like other web application, it contains:
- webui
- html layout : be updated dynamically by App.js javascript code
- App.js will communicate with blockchain and get back data when ever transaction happen
- backend is not any web server but is smart contract which is deployed to blockchain
- dapp like other web application, it contains:
- install node --> https://nodejs.org/en/
- install truffle framewrok --> https://truffleframework.com/truffle
- install ganache --> https://truffleframework.com/ganache
- install metamask --> https://metamask.io/
- install visual studio code --> https://code.visualstudio.com/
- install plugin for coding with solidity
- install live server
- install terminal
start project
truffle doc --> https://truffleframework.com/docs
create a empty folder --> mkdir C:\election
truffle prepare for us some template to speed up development process
we will use pet-shop template --> truffle unbox pet-shop
explain about what petshop have
- src : contain webui code html,css,js
- contracts and migrations folder
- test folder
- truffle.js file contain blockchain information for deploy smart contract
if you on windows --> create truffle-config.js then copy all content from truffle.js, then delete truffle.js file
if you on mac --> just use truffle.js file
this file describe how we will connect to blockchain
start ganache
create new contract name Election.sol with very simple content
contract Election { string public candidate; constructor() public { candidate = "candidate 1"; } }
create a new migration file call 2_deploy_election.js
deploy start contract to local blockchain --> truffle migrate
try to interact with smart contract --> truffle console --> Election.deployed().then(function(i){instance=i}) --> instance.candidate()
smart contract coding
design contract component
data for contract
- need a struct to model a candidate
- need to manage multiple candidates
- need to manage multiple voters and state of vote
function for contract
- add candidate function
- constructor function
- vote function
event for communicate between contract and webui
coding contract and deploy to local blockchain document about default value http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/control-structures.html#default-value
interact with smart contract from truffle console
- get contract instance --> Election.deployed().then(function(i){instance=i})
- show contract address --> instance.address
- get candidate count --> instance.candidatesCount().then(function(count){vcount=count})
- get candidate name --> instance.candidates(1).then(function(candidate){name=candidate[1]})
- do vote using account 0 --> instance.vote(1, {from:web3.eth.accounts[0]})
- get voter state --> instance.voters(web3.eth.accounts[0])
- get vote count --> instance.candidates(1).then(function(candidate){voteCount=candidate[2]})
- vote with other voter --> instance.vote(1, {from:web3.eth.accounts[2]})
- event --> instance.vote(1, {from:web3.eth.accounts[8]}).then(function(result){console.log(result.logs[0].args._candidateId)})
automation test smart contract
why automation test with dapp is very important ?
contract test structure
check init number of candidate *
- check init value for each candidate
- check vote function
- check require candidate id condition for vote function
- check require voter not yet vote condition
- check voters change after vote
- check vote count after vote
- check event happen
write automation test
html layout
- header
- table
- select from
- account information
js app to communicate with smart contract
- init web3js
- init contract
- init render
- candidates information
- candidates selection
- vote function
- hide vote form when user already vote
- event binding so app auto refresh after vote
deploy to rinkeby network with geth node
download geth clien from --> https://geth.ethereum.org/downloads/
install geth and binary will go to --> C:\Program Files\Geth
start node and syncing use rinkeby network ---> geth --rinkeby
attach to console javascript ---> geth attach ipc:\.\pipe\geth.ipc
check syncing status (need to wait until all sync complete) --> eth.syncing (should return false)
create new account --> personal.newAccount()
list account --> eth.accounts
get some free eth from faucet --> https://faucet.rinkeby.io/
check account balance with console --> eth.getBalance(your account address)
check account balance and convert to ether --> web3.fromWei(your account address,"ether")
start geth again with command --> geth --rinkeby --rpc --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal
add define for rinkeby network config to truffle-config.js rinkeby: { host: "", port: 8545, network_id: 4, from: "your account address" }
unlock account before deploy to test network --> personal.unlockAccount(your account address)
deploy to rinkeby network after unlock accont ----> truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
switch to rinkeby network on metamask
improt rinkeby account to metamask ----> C:\Users\TAN\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum\rinkeby\keystore
scan information after deploy and do vote ----> https://rinkeby.etherscan.io
register user on infura --> https://infura.io
go to dashboard and copy the api url with key and use in App.js
change app.js to use infura host
deploy to testnet with hdwallet and infura
truffle hdwallet link --> https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle-hdwallet-provider
install windows build tool --> npm install --production windows-build-tools
install hdwallet --> npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider
get 12 words for mnenomic from ---> https://iancoleman.io/bip39/
create test_hdwallet.js to show up address from mnenomic
modify app.js to use truffle hdwallet provider
ropsten: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnenomic, "https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/abbe691d210c470bbb9e2956e2f82c49"), network_id: 3, gas: 3000000, gasPrice: 21 },
get some free ether from ropsten faucet -->https://faucet.ropsten.be/
deploy to ropsten network --> truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten
modify app.js to use ropsten infura url api
use metamask to restore account from seed phrase
working with ipfs
install ipfs --> https://dist.ipfs.io/#go-ipfs
init a ipfs node --> ipfs init
run as long service --> ipfs daemon
check the peer --> ipfs swarm peers
add all dist folder --> ipfs add -r dist/
publish the hash--> ipfs name publish "hash of dist"
access dapp from internet --> gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/"hash of dist"
some other good read
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