Short Tests |
Examples |
In the mid-eighties Paul Fischer, Lee Ho, and Einar Ronquist (M.I.T) developed the spectral element incompressible fluid flow solver NEKTON, with technical input from A. Patera and Y. Maday. A commercial version was brought to market by Fluent, Inc, as NEKTON 2.0, in 1996. Paul Fischer branched off a research version of the code. Today, Nek5000 is an open source project released under a BSD license.
- Runs on all POSIX compliant operating systems
- Written in Fortran77 and C
- Pure MPI for parallelization
- Proven scalability to over a million ranks
- Easy-to-build with minimal dependencies
- High-order conformal curved quadrilateral/hexahedral meshes
- 2nd/3rd order adaptive semi-implicit timestepping
- Efficient multigrid preconditioners
- Parallel I/O
- Lagrangian particle tracking
- Moving mesh and free surface flow
- Efficient Low Mach-number formulation
- Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
- Conjugate fluid-solid heat transfer
- Meshing tools and converters
- VisIt & Paraview support for data analysis and visualization
For a typical user we recommend to download the latest release (not available yet). Make sure to read the Release Notes before using the code. All developers should checkout the code on GitHub. See Contributing
section below for more informations.
Here's a brief description of each top-level directory:
contains the Nek5000 application sources.
contains scripts for running nek5000 and manipulating its output.
contains the sources for the pre- and post-processing tools which are stand-alone.
contains light-weight regression tests for verification.
contains nothing. Its purpose it to provide a consistent place for users to place their cases.
Its purpose it to provide a consistent place for 3rd party code.
contains some hardwired runtime parameters to dimension static arrays
contains runtime parameters
contains mesh and boundary data
contains partioning data
contains user specific code to initialize solver, set source terms and boundary conditions or to manipulate solver internals.
contains probing points
contains checkpoint data
contains metadata for VisIt
contains runtime parameters and mesh in ASCII. Replaced by .par and .re2 file
contains partioning data in ASCII
Note: The old legacy files (.rea & .map) are only recommended for debugging purposes.
Let's walk us through some useful batch scripts:
makenek <case>
compiles your casenek/nekb <case>
runs a serial job in foreground or backgroundnekmpi/nekbmpi <case> <number of ranks>
runs a parallel jobneknek <case1> <cas2> <ranks 1> <ranks 2>
runs two jobs coupled togethervisnek <case>
creates metadata file required by VisItmvn <old name> <new name>
renames all case filescpn <old name> <new name>
copies all case files
Hold your horses in less than 5min you have performed your first simulation
cd ~
tar -xvzf Nek5000.tar.gz
export PATH=$HOME/Nek5000/bin:$PATH
cd ~/Nek5000/tools; ./maketools genmap
cd ~/Nek5000/run; cp -r ~/Nek5000/short_tests/ethier .
cd ethier
makenek ethier # you may want edit this file
genmap # on input type ethier
nekmpi ethier 2 # to run on 2 ranks
Note: For more information see here
Here you'll find various examples to play with.
Nek5000 is mainly a solver. However, simple box type meshes can be generated with genbox
tool. For more complex meshes please consider using PRENEK
and the meshing tools nekmerge
and n2to3
which are quite handy in some situations. You can use your favorite mesh generator provided that mesh format is supported by our mesh converters exo2nek
and msh2nek
. Also check our Bazaar for 3rd party tools.
Nek5000 output (fld) files can be read by VisIt or [ParaView] ( There is also an build-in postprocessor called POSTNEK
Visit our User's Guide. An online version is comming soon.
If you run into problems compiling, installing, or running Nek5000, first check the User's Guide. If you are not able to find a solution to your problem there, please send a message to the User's Group mailing list.
Nek5000 is hosted on GitHub and all bugs are reported and tracked through the Issues feature on GitHub. However, GitHub Issues should not be used for common troubleshooting purposes. If you are having trouble installing the code or getting your model to run properly, you should first send a message to the User's Group mailing list. If it turns out your issue really is a bug in the code, an issue will then be created on GitHub. If you want to request that a feature be added to the code, you may create an Issue on GitHub.
Our project is hosted on GitHub. If you are planning a large contribution, we encourage you to discuss the concept here on GitHub and interact with us frequently to ensure that your effort is well-directed.
- Anything in master is always deployable
- Upcoming feature release get their own tags or branch that are branched out of master
- All development happens on the master branch.
- To work on something new, create a short lived local branch off of master
- When you need feedback or help, or your change is ready for merging, open a pull request.
- Fork our GitHub project
- Download fork with
git clone -o myfork<username>/Nek5000.git ~/Nek5000
- Add our repo
cd ~/Nek5000; git remote add origin
- Download our repo
git fetch origin
- Set upstream for local master branch
git branch --set-upstream master remotes/origin/master
- Run
~/Nek5000/bin/git-hub setup —u <your username on GitHub> --global
- Add this to your [hub] section in
upstream = Nek5000/Nek5000
forkremote = myfork
- Create a feature branch hosting your change with
nekgit_co <descriptive name>
. Using a dedicated branch for every feature helps you to move between different developments while some are work in progress or under review. - Implement your code changes. To reset your branch and discard any changes run
git reset --hard origin/master
. To revert a set of files rungit checkout file1 file2 ...
- Commit your changes to your local repo using e.g.
git commit file1 file2 ...
. Do this frequently to save your work. - Periodically, changes made in our master should be pulled back into your local branch by
git pull -r
. This ensures that we do not end up in integration hell that will happen when many feature branches need to be combined at once. - If there are no merge conflicts, go to the next step. In case of conflicts edit the unmerged files in question. Merge conflicts are indicated by the conflict marker
in your file. - Assuming you are happy run
. This will create a pull request on GitHub. You can check withgit diff origin/master
what your push will do. When your pull request was merged, rungit pull
on your local master branch to see your change. You can delete the branch created in step (1) withnekgit_rm <my branch name>