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Behat 3 extension for generating AWESOME reports from your test results.

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Twig report

Live demo available at: (daily generated)

Twig Screenshot


  • Create screenshot on failed steps.
  • Create screenshot on result steps (Then).
  • Save source code in html on failed steps (easy debugging).
  • Possibility to set project title, description and logo in the testreport.
  • Print report button
  • Filter on successful or failed scenario's

It's easy!!

  • This tool can be installed easily with composer.
  • Defining the formatter in the behat.yml file
  • Modifying the settings in the behat.yml file
  • Optional: Update FeatureContext.php to generate screenshots.



This extension requires:

  • PHP 5.3.x or higher
  • Behat 3.x or higher

Through composer

The easiest way to keep your suite updated is to use Composer:

Install with composer:

$ composer require --dev elkan/behatformatter

Install using composer.json

Add BehatFormatter to the list of dependencies inside your composer.json.

    "require": {
        "behat/behat": "3.*@stable",
        "elkan/behatformatter": "v1.0.*",
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "config": {
        "bin-dir": "bin/"

Then simply install it with composer:

$ composer install --dev --prefer-dist

You can read more about Composer on its official webpage.

Basic usage

Activate the extension by specifying its class in your behat.yml:

# behat.yml
    ... # All your awesome suites come here
      output_path: %paths.base%/build/
      projectName: BehatTest
      name: html
      renderer: Twig,Behat2
      file_name: Index
      print_args: true
      print_outp: true
      loop_break: true
      show_tags: true


  • output_path - The location where Behat will save the HTML reports. The path defined here is relative to %paths.base% and, when omitted, will be default set to the same path.
  • renderer - The engine that Behat will use for rendering, thus the types of report format Behat should output (multiple report formats are allowed, separate them by commas). Allowed values are:
  • Behat2 for generating HTML reports like they were generated in Behat 2.
  • Twig A new and more modern format based on Twig.
  • Minimal An ultra minimal HTML output.
  • file_name - (Optional) Behat will use a fixed filename and overwrite the same file after each build. By default, Behat will create a new HTML file using a random name ("renderer name"_"date hour").
  • projectName - (Optional) Give your report a page titel.
  • projectDescription - (Optional) Include a project description on your testreport.
  • projectImage - (Optional) Include a project image in your testreport.
  • print_args - (Optional) If set to true, Behat will add all arguments for each step to the report. (E.g. Tables).
  • print_outp - (Optional) If set to true, Behat will add the output of each step to the report. (E.g. Exceptions).
  • loop_break - (Optional) If set to true, Behat will add a separating break line after each execution when printing Scenario Outlines.
  • show_tags - (Optional) If set to true, Behat will add tags when printing Scenario's and features.


To generate screenshots in your testreport you have to change your FeatureContext.php:


# FeatureContext.php
class FeatureContext extends MinkContext


# FeatureContext.php
class FeatureContext extends elkan\BehatFormatter\Context\BehatFormatterContext

Extra function: Placeholders

It is possible to use placeholders in feature steps. Add a BeforeStep, BeforeScenario or BeforeSuite action to your context file containing a setTransformValues() action. You can add custom placeholders by using an array.

example context rules:

     * @BeforeScenario
    public function createTransformValues(){
            "<test>" => "A simple test value",
            "<timestamp>" => time()

Example feature:

  Scenario: Sign up for the newsletter
    When I fill in "email" with "test+<timestamp>[email protected]"
    And I press "Sign up"

Example Output:

  Scenario: Sign up for the newsletter
    When I fill in "email" with "test+1461777849[email protected]"
    And I press "Sign up"


  • save html on failures
  • save REST responses in testreport
  • JSON output - if wanted?
  • colors in print stylesheet
  • custom footer image/text

License and Authors



Behat 3 Twig formatter







No packages published


  • PHP 61.1%
  • CSS 17.0%
  • HTML 14.4%
  • JavaScript 5.5%
  • Gherkin 2.0%