For all runners, batch demo shows:
- Graph structure
- Proof of parallelism
- Input data size
- Metric: parseErrors
Streaming demo adds:
- Watermarks
Set firewall rules for your GCP project to open tcp:2181, tcp:2888, tcp:3888
for Zookeeper and tcp:9092
for Kafka.
Upload the Dataproc config script that will install Kafka on Dataproc:
gsutil cp dataproc-config/ gs://apache-beam-demo/config/
Start the Kafka cluster:
gcloud dataproc clusters create kafka \
--zone=us-central1-f \
--initialization-actions gs://apache-beam-demo/config/ \
--initialization-action-timeout 5m \
--num-workers=3 \
--scopes= \
--worker-boot-disk-size=100gb \
--master-boot-disk-size=500gb \
--master-machine-type n1-standard-4 \
--worker-machine-type n1-standard-4
Create a topic to use for the game:
bin/ --create --zookeeper <external ip for kafka-m>:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic game
Note: The project pom.xml
currently hard codes the external IP address for kafka-m
, so you'll need to edit it by hand.
On a new "injector VM", install Maven (minimum 3.3.1), git, and OpenJDK 7.
git clone
cd beam-portability-demo
mvn clean compile exec:java@injector
Press Ctrl-A
, Ctrl-D
(later screen -r
to resume).
mvn clean compile exec:java@HourlyTeamScore-Dataflow -Pdataflow-runner
Leaderboard (requires the injector):
mvn clean compile exec:java@LeaderBoard-Dataflow -Pdataflow-runner
gsutil cp dataproc-config/ gs://apache-beam-demo/config/
gcloud dataproc clusters create gaming-flink \
--zone=us-central1-f \
--initialization-actions gs://apache-beam-demo/config/ \
--initialization-action-timeout 5m \
--num-workers=20 \
--scopes= \
--worker-boot-disk-size=100gb \
To view the Apache Flink UI, in another terminal:
gcloud compute ssh --zone=us-central1-f --ssh-flag="-D 1081" --ssh-flag="-N" --ssh-flag="-n" gaming-flink-m
Launch magic Google Chrome window and, if applicable, set BeyondCorp to System/Alternative:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome \
--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1081" \
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost" \
Open the UI:
In the Flink UI, capture values of jobmanager.rpc.address
(i.e. gaming-flink-w-5) and
(i.e. 58268) in the Job Manager configuration.
In separate terminals, use those two values to set up two SSH tunnels to the machine in the cluster running the Flink Job Manager:
gcloud compute ssh gaming-flink-w-10 --zone us-central1-f --ssh-flag="-D 1082"
gcloud compute ssh gaming-flink-w-10 --zone us-central1-f --ssh-flag="-L 40007:localhost:40007"
Submit HourlyTeamScore to the cluster:
mvn clean package exec:java -Pflink-runner \
-DsocksProxyHost=localhost \
-DsocksProxyPort=1082 \
-Dexec.mainClass="demo.HourlyTeamScore" \
-Dexec.args="--runner=flink \
--input=gs://apache-beam-demo/data/gaming* \
--outputPrefix=gs://apache-beam-demo-fjp/flink/hourly/scores \
--filesToStage=target/portability-demo-bundled-flink.jar \
Submit LeaderBoard to the cluster:
mvn clean package exec:java -Pflink-runner \
-DsocksProxyHost=localhost \
-DsocksProxyPort=1082 \
-Dexec.mainClass="demo.LeaderBoard" \
-Dexec.args="--runner=flink \
--kafkaBootstrapServer= \
--topic=game \
--outputPrefix=gs://apache-beam-demo-fjp/flink/leader/scores \
--filesToStage=target/portability-demo-bundled-flink.jar \
If you receive an error saying Cannot resolve the JobManager hostname
, you
may need to modify your /etc/hosts
file to include an entry like this: gaming-flink-w-5.c.apache-beam-demo.internal
gcloud dataproc clusters create gaming-spark \
--image-version=1.0 \
--zone=us-central1-f \
--num-workers=25 \
--worker-machine-type=n1-standard-8 \
--master-machine-type=n1-standard-8 \
--worker-boot-disk-size=100gb \
To view the Apache Spark UI, in another terminal:
gcloud compute ssh --zone=us-central1-f --ssh-flag="-D 1080" --ssh-flag="-N" --ssh-flag="-n" gaming-spark-m
Launch magic Google Chrome window and, if applicable, set BeyondCorp to System/Alternative:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome \
--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080" \
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost" \
Open the UI:
Submit the job to the cluster:
mvn clean package -Pspark-runner
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
--cluster gaming-spark \
--properties spark.default.parallelism=200 \
--class demo.HourlyTeamScore \
--jars ./target/portability-demo-bundled-spark.jar \
-- \
--runner=spark \
--outputPrefix=gs://apache-beam-demo-fjp/spark/hourly/scores \