Show and Tell realtime detection with webcamera based on "".
- OpenCV
- to use cv2.VideoCapture()
Clone this repository.
Copy "im2txt" folder and "" to "~/models/research/im2txt".
Open "~/models/research/im2txt/im2txt/BUILD" and add this comment.
name = "run_inference_camera",
srcs = [""],
srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
deps = [
- Run this command at "~/models/research/im2txt".
bazel build -c opt //im2txt:run_inference_camera
- Open "" and edit line to your path.
--checkpoint_path="${HOME}/im2txt/model/train" \
--vocab_file="${HOME}/im2txt/data/mscoco/word_counts.txt" \
- Run this command at "~/models/research/im2txt".
chmod +x
- Now you can run.
I can answer questions in English or Japanese.