本作品 信任的演化 (參考羅伯特.艾瑟羅德《合作的競化》)屬於公共領域,多虧了現有的知識共享許可和開源的資源,才能順利地誕生!本專案用到的全部音樂、音效、以及程式碼列舉如下:
音樂: "Bleu" by Komiku (CC Zero). 在 Free Music Archive 上下載他們的整張專輯
- Coin insert by bassmosphere (CC Zero)
- Coin get! by plasterbrain (CC Zero)
- Evil Laugh by JohnsonBrandEditing (CC Zero)
- Slot machine by lukaso (CC Sampling+)
- Drumroll by adriann (CC Zero)
- click plink pop boop bonk by Owdeo (CC BY-NC)
- Swoosh by aglinder (CC Zero)
- Squeaky Toy by survivalzombie (CC Zero)
- Thump by Brokenphono (CC Zero)
- Fart by DSISStudios (CC Zero)
- PIXI.js 用於渲染影像
- Howler.js 用於聲音
- Tween.js 用於動畫補間(感謝 V2EX 的 @geelaw 指正翻譯)
- Balloon.css 用於彈窗顯示工具小提示
- Q 用於 promises
- MinPubSub 用於釋出和訂閱
- Pegasus 用於……我懶得不想寫自己的 XHR
字型: Futura Handwritten by Bill Snyder
Translations done so far: Chinese, Chinese (Taiwan), Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spain Spanish, Russian, German
Step 1) Fork or download this repo
(if you're forking it, be sure to make sure your repo is on a branch called gh-pages
, so that GitHub can automatically generate a webpage for it!)
Step 2) Translate the following files:
-- The title & social sharing text (a few words)
-- All the words for the interactive itself (~3,300 words)
(optional) notes/index.html
-- The footnotes (~1,100 words)
(optional) peeps/index.html
-- The full credits (a few words)
Step 3) Remember to test your translation! You can test things locally using http-server or MAMP.
Step 4) Email me with a link to your forked repo / the translated files, at N {{at}} NCASE {{dot}} ME
There may be a few things here and there we need to fix! (also, if you run into any issues, please email me as well! I may take a while to respond since I'm away the next couple weeks)
Step 5) Wait for me to stop being busy and/or lazy and actually link your translated version from the main English version
Step 6) Party! 🎉
Creative Commons Zero: 本協議適用於對於公共領域的無私奉獻,從根本上來說,您可以做任何事!歡迎署名,我不會對您追究任何法律責任。