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Add test for offline-cache on cpu
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PGZXB committed Mar 17, 2022
1 parent 202bb21 commit 1f1a8ab
Showing 1 changed file with 330 additions and 0 deletions.
330 changes: 330 additions & 0 deletions tests/python/
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@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
import functools
from genericpath import exists
import math
from os import listdir, path, remove, rmdir

import pytest

import taichi as ti
from tests import test_utils

supported_archs_offline_cache = [ti.cpu]
supported_archs_offline_cache = [
v for v in supported_archs_offline_cache
if v in test_utils.expected_archs()
tmp_offline_cache_file_path = './_temp_ticache'
ext_init_options = {
'offline_cache': True,
'offline_cache_file_path': tmp_offline_cache_file_path,
'print_preprocessed_ir': True
cache_files_num_per_kernel = 2

def kernel0() -> ti.i32:
return 1

def python_kernel0():
return 1

def kernel1(a: ti.i32, b: ti.i32, c: ti.f32) -> ti.f32:
return a / b + c * b - c + a**2 + ti.log(c)

def python_kernel1(a, b, c):
return a / b + c * b - c + a**2 + math.log(c)

def kernel2(n: ti.i32) -> ti.i32:
x = 0
for i in range(n):
ti.atomic_add(x, 1)
return x

def python_kernel2(n):
return n

def kernel3(a, mat):
mat_type = ti.types.matrix(mat.n, mat.m, ti.i32)

def kernel(u: ti.i32, v: mat_type) -> mat_type:
return u * v

return kernel(a, mat)

def python_kernel3(a, mat):
return a * mat

simple_kernels_to_test = [
(kernel0, (), python_kernel0),
(kernel1, (100, 200, 10.2), python_kernel1),
(kernel2, (1024, ), python_kernel2),
(kernel3, (10, ti.Matrix([[1, 2], [256, 1024]], ti.i32)), python_kernel3),

def is_offline_cache_file(filename):
suffixes = ('n.ll', 'g.ll', 'n_otnl.txt', 'g_otnl.txt')
return filename.endswith(suffixes)

def _test_offline_cache_dec(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
file_path_exists = True
old_file_list = []
if not exists(tmp_offline_cache_file_path):
file_path_exists = False
old_file_list = listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
ret = None
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise e
for f in listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path):
if f not in old_file_list:
remove(path.join(tmp_offline_cache_file_path, f))
if not file_path_exists:
return ret

return wrapped

def _test_offline_cache_for_a_kernel(curr_arch, kernel, args, result):
count_of_cache_file = len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path))

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
res1 = kernel(*args)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 1 * cache_files_num_per_kernel
res2 = kernel(*args)
assert res1 == test_utils.approx(result) and res1 == test_utils.approx(

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 1 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

def _test_closing_offline_cache_for_a_kernel(curr_arch, kernel, args, result):
count_of_cache_file = len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path))

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, offline_cache_file_path=tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
res1 = kernel(*args)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, offline_cache_file_path=tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel
res2 = kernel(*args)
assert res1 == test_utils.approx(result) and res1 == test_utils.approx(

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

@pytest.mark.parametrize('curr_arch', supported_archs_offline_cache)
def test_closing_offline_cache(curr_arch):
for kernel, args, get_res in simple_kernels_to_test:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('curr_arch', supported_archs_offline_cache)
def test_offline_cache_per_kernel(curr_arch):
for kernel, args, get_res in simple_kernels_to_test:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('curr_arch', supported_archs_offline_cache)
def test_multiple_ib_with_offline_cache(curr_arch):
count_of_cache_file = len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path))

def helper():
x = ti.field(float, (), needs_grad=True)
y = ti.field(float, (), needs_grad=True)

def compute_y():
for j in range(2):
for i in range(3):
y[None] += x[None]
for i in range(3):
y[None] += x[None]

x[None] = 1.0
with ti.Tape(y):

assert y[None] == 12.0
assert x.grad[None] == 12.0

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 8 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 8 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

@pytest.mark.parametrize('curr_arch', supported_archs_offline_cache)
def test_calling_a_kernel_with_different_param_list(curr_arch):
count_of_cache_file = len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path))
mat_type = ti.types.matrix(2, 3, ti.i32)

def kernel(a: mat_type, b: mat_type) -> mat_type:
return a + 10 * b

def np_kernel(a, b):
return a + 10 * b

mat1 = ti.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]], ti.i32)
mat2 = ti.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]], ti.i32)
mat3 = ti.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]], ti.i32)
np_mat1 = mat1.to_numpy()
np_mat2 = mat2.to_numpy()
np_mat3 = mat3.to_numpy()

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel
ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert (kernel(mat1, mat1).to_numpy() == np_kernel(np_mat1, np_mat1)).all()

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 1 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

assert (kernel(mat1, mat1).to_numpy() == np_kernel(np_mat1, np_mat1)).all()
assert (kernel(mat1, mat2).to_numpy() == np_kernel(np_mat1, np_mat2)).all()
assert (kernel(mat2, mat2).to_numpy() == np_kernel(np_mat2, np_mat2)).all()
assert (kernel(mat2, mat3).to_numpy() == np_kernel(np_mat2, np_mat3)).all()

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 1 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

@pytest.mark.parametrize('curr_arch', supported_archs_offline_cache)
def test_snode_reader_and_writer_with_offline_cache(curr_arch):
count_of_cache_file = len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path))

def helper():
x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=())
y = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=())

x[None] = 3.14
y[None] = 4.14
assert x[None] == test_utils.approx(3.14)
assert y[None] == test_utils.approx(4.14)

x[None] = 6.28
y[None] = 7.28
assert x[None] == test_utils.approx(6.28)
assert y[None] == test_utils.approx(7.28)

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel
ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)) - count_of_cache_file == 4 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)) - count_of_cache_file == 4 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

@pytest.mark.parametrize('curr_arch', supported_archs_offline_cache)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('layout', [ti.Layout.SOA, ti.Layout.AOS])
def test_ndarray_reader_and_writer_with_offline_cache(curr_arch, layout):
count_of_cache_file = len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path))

def helper():
a = ti.Vector.ndarray(10, ti.i32, 5, layout=layout)
for i in range(5):
for j in range(4):
a[i][j * j] = j * j
assert a[0][9] == 9
assert a[1][0] == 0
assert a[2][1] == 1
assert a[3][4] == 4
assert a[4][9] == 9

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel
ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)) - count_of_cache_file == 2 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)) - count_of_cache_file == 2 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

@pytest.mark.parametrize('curr_arch', supported_archs_offline_cache)
def test_calling_many_kernels(curr_arch):
count_of_cache_file = len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path))

def helper():
for kernel, args, get_res in simple_kernels_to_test:
assert(kernel(*args) == test_utils.approx(get_res(*args)))

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == 0 * cache_files_num_per_kernel

ti.init(arch=curr_arch, enable_fallback=False, **ext_init_options)
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == len(simple_kernels_to_test) * cache_files_num_per_kernel
assert len(listdir(tmp_offline_cache_file_path)
) - count_of_cache_file == len(simple_kernels_to_test) * cache_files_num_per_kernel

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