From vanilla to personalized macOS in less then 30 minutes
If this can help you too, then great, feel free to customize it and use for your own needs.
Install and run Xcode then start Terminal app and follow instructions:
Clone this repo into your home directory
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles
Run this setup script which will make your new .shell_file
$ . ~/.dotfiles/system/
Play some music while doing all of this? (optional)
$ my-radio
Configure AE theme for Terminal? (optional)
$ df-terminal AE
after this step run
rm ~/.zcompdump
and restart Terminal in order to fix the error:compinit:482: bad math expression: operand expected at end of string
Configure and save your config file
$ df-edit config
Reload shell
$ df-reload
Configure global git user (optional)
$ git-user my --global
Install / Update / Upgrade Homebrew
$ df-homebrew
Install all the things from your config file
$ df-install
Reload shell
$ df-reload
done for fun