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Obsidian Another Quick Switcher Plugin

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This is an Obsidian plugin which is another choice of Quick switcher. It offers various features, such as:

  • Creating custom search commands (Custom searches)
  • Customizing the hotkeys in the quick switcher to your preference
  • Searching backlinks and moving them without leaving the keyboard (Backlink search)
  • Moving a file to another folder (Move file to another folder)
  • Searching regardless of the order in which tokens appear
  • Not performing very fuzzy searches by default, but an option is available to enable them
  • Searching considering prefix emoji
  • Showing file names and directory names separately
  • Revealing a folder in the file tree (Reveal a folder in the file tree)

⏬ Install

You can download from Community plugins in Obsidian settings.

⌨️ Features

1. Custom searches


Custom searches enables you to create your original search commands.


Search target

Name Description
markdown All markdown files
backlink Markdown files in backlinks on the current file
link Markdown files in outgoing links on the current file
2-hop-link Markdown files in 2-hop-links from the current file
opened file Markdown files opened in the current window

Sort priorities

You can use the following names as a Sort priorities.

Name Description Since
Perfect word match A query matches perfectly with a word in the file name 6.0.0
Prefix name match The file name or alias starts with a query 6.0.0
Name match The file name or alias includes a query 6.0.0
Fuzzy name match The file name or alias matches fuzzy with a query 8.10.0
Tag match The query includes the file's tag name 6.0.0
Header match The query includes the file's header name 6.0.0
Link match The query includes the file's internal link name 6.0.0
Property match The query includes the file's property name 11.0.0
Length Length of the file name or alias 6.0.0
Last opened The time the file opened last 6.0.0
Last modified The time the file modified last 6.0.0
Star The file has a star 6.0.0
Alphabetical File name or alias order by alphabetically ascend 6.2.0
Alphabetical reverse File name or alias order by alphabetically descend 7.0.0
Created latest File creation date from the latest to the earliest 7.0.0
Created earliest File creation date from the earliest to the latest 7.0.0
(Tags split by comma) The file has specific tags 7.0.0
(Extensions split by comma) The file has specific extensions 8.3.0

Warning Please don't forget to click the Save button before you close Obsidian. Otherwise, the settings will never restore when you open Obsidian next time. Demo

Note Examples of (Tags spit by comma) are #hoge, #hoge,#huga, and so on.

Note Examples of (Extensions spit by comma) are .md, .md,.canvas, and so on.

Preset search commands

Recent search recent search
File name search file name search
File name fuzzy search file name fuzzy search
Landmark search landmark search
Star search star search
Link search link search
2 hop link search 2 hop link search


Queries enclosed in double quotes are searched as is
  • "ho ge" matches only ho ge and does not match hoge.
  • ho ge matches both ho ge and hoge.
A minus sign at the beginning excludes matched candidates

Example: Suppose there are three files:

  • hoge
  • mdhoge

The input hoge -md will suggest only hoge.

Additionally, you can specify a custom string as the exclude prefix using the Exclude prefix setting.

<cd> means the current directory

If the path of the active file is "/usr/local/vault/notes", the query "<cd> obsidian" will be interpreted as "/usr/local/vault/notes obsidian".

2. Header floating search in file / Header search in file


  • Show all headers even after filtering to retain file structures in the brain
  • Jump to the first hit suggestion automatically and move next/previous by Tab/Shift+Tab as default
  • Queries enclosed in double quotes are searched as is
    • "ho ge" only matches ho ge not hoge
    • ho ge matches both ho ge and hoge

3. Grep

This feature requires ripgrep and set the executable command to "Ripgrep command" option.


It sorts results by modified time descending.

Default hotkeys

  • TAB: Search (not realtime)
  • Ctrl+,: preview


  • Input regards as a regex pattern
  • Grep searches only markdown files as default. If you want to search for other extensions, please update the "Grep > Extensions" settings

4. Customizable hotkeys

Detailed hotkeys customization is available for each dialog.


5. Backlink search

The new Backlink search enables displaying all occurrences in the same file and listing the corresponding lines' text.


6. Link search

The new Link search enables displaying all occurrences in the same file and listing the corresponding lines' text.


7. In file search

"In File search" allows you to search for a specific line within a file using a search keyword and displays it along with the surrounding lines.


8. Show backlinks from the dialog

You can show the backlinks about the suggestion in the dialog. (Default hotkey is Mod h)

It can show backlinks from not only existing notes but also phantom(not existing) notes.


9. Navigate outgoing/backlinks without leaving the dialog

You can navigate outgoing/backlinks without leaving the dialog by using the "show links", "show backlinks", "navigate forward", and "navigate back" commands.


10. Preview

You can preview the file without closing the dialog. (Default hotkey is Mod ,)

It shows a floating view that doesn't distract the contents. Additionally, it makes the editor state before opening the dialog after previewing files and closing the dialog.


For users who use earlier than v8.0.0

Please read a "🔥 Breaking changes" section in the Release note.

For users who use earlier than v7.0.0

Please read a "🔥 Breaking changes" section in the Release note.

For users who use earlier than v6.0.0

Please read a "🔥 Breaking changes" section in the Release note.

📱 Mobile support

It both supports desktop and mobile.

Feature requests / Bugs

Please create a new issue.

🖥️ For developers / contributors

Pull requests

Sorry, I would not accept the pull requests except for the following cases.

  1. Fix obvious bugs
  2. Fix typo or wrong documentation
  3. If I ask for it in the GitHub issues or the discussions


Set up

git config core.hooksPath hooks

Install dependencies

Bun is required.

bun i
bun dev


Run Release Action manually.


What is the "2-hop-link"?

2-hop-link are outgoing links in the current file, and files that have outgoing links to them.

For example, If there are relations as follows,

flowchart LR
    D[Dog] --> A[Animal]
    C[Cat] --> A
    O[Owl] --> A

2-hop-link from the "Dog" is as follows.

flowchart LR
    D[Dog]:::focus --> A[Animal]
    D[Dog]:::focus --> C[Cat]
    D[Dog]:::focus --> O[Owl]
    classDef focus fill:#f96

More complicated example.

flowchart LR
    Dog:::focus --> Animal
    Dog --> Masaru
    Zagitova --> Masaru
    Masaru --> Akita-inu
    Cat --> Animal
    Owl --> Animal
    Tama --> Cat
    Mike --> Cat
    Animal --> Zoo
    Zoo --> Animal
    Mahjong --> Zoo
    Animal --> Coffee
    classDef focus fill:#f96

2-hop-link from the "Dog" is as follows.

flowchart LR
    Dog:::focus --> Animal:::focus
    Dog --> Masaru:::focus
    Zagitova:::focus --> Masaru
    Masaru --> Akita-inu
    Cat:::focus --> Animal
    Owl:::focus --> Animal
    Tama --> Cat
    Mike --> Cat
    Animal --> Zoo
    Zoo:::focus --> Animal
    Mahjong --> Zoo
    Animal --> Coffee
    classDef focus fill:#f96


This is an Obsidian plugin which is another choice of Quick switcher.








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