Simple script to send email alert to node operator, when the node exceed the specified error percentage limit.
- Configured ssmtp server
- Crontab installed
When running the setup you need to have permission to:
- docker logs
- crontab
$ git clone
$ cd storjMailAlert
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./
Only needs to be run first time downloading the repo but it can also be run to update our parameteres
Creates the command storjMailAlert and
Runs addCron
Takes update interval as $1
It creates a crontab task to excecute storjMailAlert every $1 minutes
aka main script
Creates a directory in which it runs the checks and saves output in a logs file
By default it doesn't delete logs but you can uncomment the last line
OR manually find and delete them at ~/storjAlerts
+Note that this script will be using the directory ~storjAlerts where it will be saving outputs
If you don't want to save any output uncomment last line on the main script (storjMailAlert)