Contains Terraform required to deploy Takahē. Currently supports AWS Fargate and
Deploys secondary infrastructure required for a Takahē instance in
Specifically, creates the following:
- SES identity (for sending email)
- S3 Bucket (for media)
- Cloudfront distribution (for fronting S3)
- Route53 records (for A, AAAA, and CAA records)
Currently assumes that your DNS zone is in route53. If yours isn't, please delegate a subdomain to route53 (or create a patch to make that TF optional).
Example usage:
module "takahe_fly" {
source = "git::"
acme_challenge_cname = "CNAME provided by Fly for ACME challenge"
name = "takahe-fly"
primary_domain_name = "Domain Zone for route53"
domain_prefix_parts = ["takahe"]
target_ipv4 = "IPv4 provided by Fly"
target_ipv6 = "IPv6 provided by Fly"
Note: AWS should work for 0.4.0, but needs updates beyond that. I will return to the AWS setup soon, file an issue if this affects you.
Completely deploys a functional Takahē system to AWS Fargate.
Optimization still possible, but as currently implemented this will cost ~$48/month (plus usage-based costs).
- This will be very restricted if your SES isn't unlocked (basically, Takahe can only email its own domain otherwise)
- If you don't want this open to the whole internet, set the lb_ingress_ipv4 and lb_ingress_ipv6 variables
Example usage:
module "takahe" {
source = "git::"
name = "testing"
primary_domain_name = ""
enable_sentry = true
# Optional! If not provided, defaults to Docker Hub latest
ecr_name = module.takahe_build.ecr_name
# Optional! Only required if you want to build your instance from source.
module "takahe_build" {
source = "git::"
github_url = ""
name = "testing"