I won't maintain or update this program.
Since you now can set let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'ag'
and it's comfortably fast.
:Unite ack:directory:search_word<CR>
if directory is ommited like :Unite ack::search_word current directory is used.
command which is used.
default: "ack-grep --nocolor --nogroup"
control whether ack search keyword is highlighted in unite buffer
default: 1
Highlight applied to search word
default: Search
toggle case sensitivity for ack command(-i
so g:unite_source_ack_command shoud not set -i
this is dirty , not consistent, but usefull.
I'll refactor when time would available.
control wheter executed ack command is printed or not.
defaut: 1
dictionary which key is shortcut
and value is actulal directory
Please check configuration example.
default: {}
dictionary which key is shortcut
and value is actulal directory
Please check configuration example.
default: {}
set custom filter following call unite#custom_filters('ack', ['matcher_default', 'sorter_default', 'converter_ack_shortcut'])
command! UniteAckToggleCase :let g:unite_source_ack_ignore_case=!g:unite_source_ack_ignore_case|let g:unite_source_ack_ignore_case
" show executed commmand
let g:unite_source_ack_enable_print_cmd = 1
" define shortcut so that I can use :Unite ack:g:some_method to search some_method from gem directory
function! s:escape_visual(...) "{{{
let escape = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
normal `<
let s = col('.') - 1
normal `>
let e = col('.') - 1
let line = getline('.')
let pat = line[s : e]
return escape(pat, escape)
function! s:visual_unite_input() "{{{
return s:escape_visual(" ")
function! s:visual_unite_arg() "{{{
return s:escape_visual(' :\')
" unite ack
nnoremap <silent> <Space>a :<C-u>exe "Unite -buffer-name=ack ack::" . escape(expand('<cword>'),' :\')<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <Space>a :<C-u>exe "Unite -buffer-name=ack ack::" . <SID>visual_unite_arg()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Space>A :<C-u>UniteResume ack<CR>
command! UniteAckToggleCase :let g:unite_source_ack_ignore_case=!g:unite_source_ack_ignore_case|let g:unite_source_ack_ignore_case
" shortcut
let g:unite_source_ack_targetdir_shortcut = {
\ 'bundle': '$HOME/.vim/bundle',
\ 'neco': "$HOME/.vim/bundle/neocomplcache",
\ 'unite': "$HOME/.vim/bundle/unite.vim",
\ 'vagrant': '/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/vagrant-0.7.5',
\ 'gem': '/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems',
\ 'chef': '/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/chef-0.10.0',
\ 'nova': "$HOME/local/github/openstack/nova-2011.1/nova",
\ }
" set filter to use converter_ack_shortcut to let candidate cosmically
" converted with shortcut
call unite#custom_filters('ack', ['matcher_default', 'sorter_default', 'converter_ack_shortcut'])
" command which use shortcut
command! -nargs=1 SearchBundle :Unite ack:bundle:<args>
command! -nargs=1 SearchGem :Unite ack:gem:<args>
command! -nargs=1 SearchUnite :Unite ack:unite:<args>
command! -nargs=1 SearchNeco :Unite ack:neco:<args>