Implementation of a theoretical connectivity algorithm in Java
- Java Development Kit (version 1.7.0_95 or greater) from here
- go to bin dictionary
- double click seniorproject.jar
- click Browse to select input file and algorithm(in_smallGPS.txt and inGPS.txt are for GPS algorithm, minMATLAB.txt is for MATLAB algorithm)
- click button(Run) to execute algorithm
- click button(Graph) to plot graph
- our code will generate output.png automatically
- Kruskal's algorithm option has a few edge cases that sometimes causes inaccurate results
Based off the work from Kai Ding, Professor Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh, Professor Hamid Jafarkhani from University of California, Irvine
- Can be contacted at [kaid1,hyousefi,hamidj]
Java matrix operations library obtained from here
Mercator mapping method based off the Elliptical Mercator script from here
GUI coordinate here