A discord bot that allows you to manage challonge tournaments
Powered by Challonge Official API and Discord.JS
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Upon joining your server Challonge Discord Bot will do two things:
- Create a role called "Tournament Manager"
- Create a channel called "#tournament-commands"
Challonge Discord Bot will only respond to commands put in #tournament-commands
c!create can only be used by users who have the Tournament Manager Role
Once a tournament is created, the creator of the tournament will have access to a few other commands for moderation purposes
Function: Creates a challonge tournament
- Usage: c!create (Name) (Game) (Year-Month-Day-Hour-Minute) (Participant Amount)
- Example_1: c!create BrawlhallaTourney Brawlhalla 2017-03-17-12-30 limit-16
- Example_2: c!create BrawlhallaTourney Brawlhalla 2017-03-17-12-30 free
- Function: Starts a challonge tournament
- Usage: c!start (Tournament_Name)
- Example: c!start BrawlhallaTourney
- Function: Deletes a challonge tournament
- Usage: c!delete (Tournament_Name)
- Example: c!delete BrawlhallaTourney
- Function: Join a challonge tournament
- Usage: c!join (Tournament_Name)
- Example: c!join BrawlhallaTourney
- Function: Leave a challonge tournament
- Usage: c!leave (Tournament_Name)
- Example: c!leave BrawlhallaTourney
- Function: Edit tournament info
- Usage: c!edit (Tournament_Name) (Attribute) (New Value)
- Example: c!edit BrawlhallaTourney name PokemonTournament!
- Attributes: name / game / date / limit
- Function: See tournament info
- Usage: c!info (Tournament_Name)
- Example: c!info BrawlhallaTourney
- Function: Report match results
- Usage: c!report (Tournament_Name) (Match Number) (Match Result) (Final Match?)
- Example_1: c!report BrawlhallaTourney 1 0-1 false
- Example_2: c!report BrawlhallaTourney 1 0-2 true
- Function: See match status
- Usage_1: c!match (Tournament_Name) Will show match of command invoker
- Usage_2: c!match (Tournament_Name) (Match Number)
- Example_1: c!match BrawlhallaTourney
- Example_2: c!match BrawlhallaTourney 1