A CLI tool to integrate with CodeThreat services for code scanning.
npm install codethreat-cli -g
To scan a project:
codethreat scan <target_dir> -p <project_name>
Set up your CodeThreat configuration:
codethreat config
And follow the prompts to enter your base URL, organization name, and CT access token.
Sure! Here's the "API Reference" section refined for your README.md
Fetches a project.
- projectName: The name of the project to fetch.
Creates a new project.
- projectName: The name of the new project.
Starts a scan for a project.
- projectName: Name of the project to scan.
- zipFilePath: Path to the zipped target directory.
Fetches the progress of a scan.
- scanId: ID of the scan to fetch progress for.