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zConfig is a Golang, extensible, reflection-based configuration and dependency injection tool whose goal is to get rid of the boilerplate code needed to configure and initialize an application's dependencies.


zconfig primary feature is an extensible configuration repository. To use it, simply define a configuration structure and feed it to the Configure() method. You can use the key, description and default tags to define which key to use.

type Configuration struct {
	Addr string `key:"addr" description:"address the server should bind to" default:":80"`

func main() {
	var c Configuration
	err := zconfig.Configure(context.Background(), &c)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

	err := http.ListenAndServe(c.Addr, nil)

Once compiled, the special flag help can be passed to the binary to display a list of the available configuration keys, in their cli and env form, as well as their description and default values. (The message can be configured, see zconfig.Processor.Usage).

You can also pass --help=env or --help=cli to display only the env or cli form, respectively.

$ ./a.out --help
--addr  ADDR  address the server should bind to  (:80)

Configurations can be nested into structs to improve usability, and the keys of the final parameters are prefixed by the keys of all parents.

type Configuration struct {
	Server struct{
		Addr string `key:"addr" description:"address the server should bind to" default:":80"`
	} `key:"server"`

func main() {
	var c Configuration
	err := zconfig.Configure(context.Background(), &c)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

	err := http.ListenAndServe(c.Server.Addr, nil)
$ ./a.out --help
--server.addr  SERVER_ADDR  address the server should bind to  (:80)

The following types are handled by default by the library:

  • encoding.TextUnmarshaller
  • encoding.BinaryUnmarshaller
  • (u)?int(32|64)?
  • float(32|64)
  • string
  • []string
  • bool
  • time.Duration
  • regexp.Regexp


zconfig does handle dependency initialization. Any reachable field of your configuration struct (whatever the nesting level) that implements the Initializable interface will be initialized during the configuration process.

Here is an example with our internal Redis wrapper.

package zredis

import (

type Client struct {
	Address         string        `key:"address" description:"address and port of the redis"`
	ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration `key:"connection-max-lifetime" description:"maximum duration of open connection" default:"30s"`
	MaxOpenConns    int           `key:"max-open-connections" description:"maximum of concurrent open connections" default:"10"`


func (c *Client) Init(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
	c.Client = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
		Network:     "tcp",
		Addr:        c.Address,
		IdleTimeout: c.ConnMaxLifetime,
		PoolSize:    c.MaxOpenConns,

	_, err = c.Ping()
	return err

Now, whenever we need to use a Redis database in our services, we can simply declare the dependency in the configuration struct and go on without worrying about initializing it, liberating your service from pesky initialization code.

package main

import (



type Service struct {
	Redis *zredis.Client `key:"redis"`

func main() {
	var s Service
	err := zconfig.Configure(context.Background(), &s)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

	res, err := s.Redis.Get("foo").Result()
	// ...


The zconfig processor understands a set of tags used for injecting one field into another, thus sharing resources. The inject-as tag defines an injection source and the key used to identify it, while the inject tag defines an injection target and the key of the source to use.

Any pointer type can be injected as long as the source is assignable to the target. This is especially useful to allow sharing common configuration fields or even whole structs like a database handle.

type Service struct {
	Foo struct{
		Root *string `inject:"bar-root"`
	Bar struct{
		Root *string `inject-as:"bar-root"`

Note that the injection system isn't tied to the configuration one: you don't need your injection source or target to be part of a chain of keyed structs.

Also, zconfig will return an error if given a struct with a cycle in it, the same way the compiler will refuse to compile a type definition with cycles.

How it works

Under the hood, the work is done by a Processor. The Processor's role is to construct a list of Field from the given struct, and run a number of hooks on this list.

The Field struct is a graph representation of a single field of your configuration struct, with pointers for parent and children. The list of fields handled by the processor is ordered by deepest dependency first, meaning that for any given hook, all children of a given field are processed by the hook before the field itself. For the case of injection, the targets aren't included in this list, but the sources are processed before the target's branch.

For convenience, zconfig provides a default processor already setup to use 2 hooks: the first is the one that do the actual configuration of the fields, and the second do the initialization of the field. The global Configure() and AddHooks() methods are shortcuts to the methods of this default processor.

Help Messages

Help message is handled by the stock processor. After analyzing the given struct, it looks for a --help flag in the stock ArgsProvider. If found, it call the zconfig.Processor.UsageVal field (or the zconfig.DefaultUsageVal method if nil) to display help.


The Hook is a type for a function that takes a context and a single pointer to a Field as parameters, and returns an error if need be.

type Hook func(ctx context.Context, field *Field) error

One good example of hook is the one used for initializing the fields:

type Initializable interface {
	Init(context.Context) error

// Used for type comparison.
var typeInitializable = reflect.TypeOf((*Initializable)(nil)).Elem()

func Initialize(ctx context.Context, field *Field) error {
	// Not initializable, nothing to do.
	if !field.Value.Type().Implements(typeInitializable) {
		return nil

	// Initialize the element itself via the interface.
	err := field.Value.Interface().(Initializable).Init(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "initializing field")

	return nil


The first hook setup in the default processor, and the main feature of the library, is the configuration repository hook. The Repository is a struct holding a list of Provider interfaces and Parser function used by the hook to set the values of the configuration struct.


A provider is a simple interface for retrieving the value associated with a key. Each provider listed by the repository is consulted until one of them returns a result.

type Provider interface {
	Retrieve(key string) (value interface{}, found bool, err error)
	Name() string
	Priority() int

The Retrieve() method gets a configuration key and return the raw value associated with it, whether it found something or not, and whether an error occurred during the process.

The Priority() method defines the order in which the providers are checked by the repository, the lowest going first. The ArgsProvider is priority 1, and the EnvProvider is priority 2.

The Name() method helps to know which source provided the value, which can be useful for various repository extensions.

A provider can be added to a repository using the AddProviders() method.

For example, the default repository has two providers registered: the ArgsProvider that look on the CLI arguments and the EnvProvider that look at the program's environment.


A parser is a function for converting a raw value to another. The dst parameter is always a pointer to the expected value.

type Parser func(raw interface{}, dst interface{}) error

The default repository has a ParseString registered that handle the convertion listed above from their matching string representation, obviously intended to work with the values from the Args and Env providers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I disable the CLI flags?

Remove them from the providers of your repository. For the classic processor, you want to do this:

var repository zconfig.Repository

var processor zconfig.Processor
processor.AddHooks(repository.Hook, zconfig.Initialize)

I want to validate the values from the configuration before using them

First obvious way would be to use custom types implementing the encoding.TextUnmarshaller interface and do the check here. That would add being explicit in the configuration by having the advantage of not allowing inconsistent state. In the same web-form validation style, you could add additional validation tags to your struct and create a hook to check that the value matches the rules.

Another way would be to do it in the Init() method of your field, so the initialization hook will handle the check. This has the advantage of not forcing custom types for the runtime types, and having the ability to cross-check multiple fields by using the parent's struct method.

Can I configure multiple structs during the program's lifetime?

Of course. The Processor.Process() method is completely self-contained, and doesn't use any state from the Processor except the list of hooks to apply. Same thing goes for the Repository and the basic Provider of zconfig.

I want to read my configuration from "insert source name here"

What you want is a custom provider. If the set provided by zconfig itself doesn't cover your way of defining configuration, you can always add one to the default repository (or define your own).

Here is a quick-and-dirty example you can use as basis for a provider getting its values from an arbitrary JSON file.

import ""

type JSONProvider struct {
	raw gjson.Result

func (p JSONProvider) Retrieve(key string) (raw interface{}, found bool, err error) {
	field := p.raw.Get(key)
	return field.Value(), field.Exists(), nil

func (JSONProvider) Name() string {
	return "json"

func (JSONProvider) Priority() int {
	// args are 1, env are 2, we want both of them to override the
	// configuration file so we set this provider to be looked at after
	// them.
	return 3

func NewJSONProviderFromFile(path string) (*JSONProvider, err error) {
	raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "reading field %s", path)

	if !gjson.ValidBytes(raw) {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid json file %s", path)

	return  &JSONProvider{gjson.ParseBytes(raw)}, nil

The library tidwall/gjson is an alternative library for manipulating JSON that fits this use case particularly well: it doesn't parse the whole string, and only look for the field identified by the given key (whose format match the zconfig one.)

Amongst the improvements possible, this provider could be constructed using a value retrieved from zconfig.Args or zconfig.Env so the path can be given on the command-line of your program.

For example:

func NewJSONProvider() (*JSONProvider, err error) {
	path, ok, err := zconfig.Args.Retrieve("configuration")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !ok {
		return &JSONProvider{}, nil

	return NewJSONProviderFromFile(path)