The main feature of this component - concatenate and compress files connected through "AssetBundle".
composer require "rmrevin/yii2-minify-view:~1.9"
return [
// ...
'components' => [
// ...
'view' => [
'class' => '\rmrevin\yii\minify\View',
'enableMinify' => !YII_DEBUG,
'web_path' => '@web', // path alias to web base
'base_path' => '@webroot', // path alias to web base
'minify_path' => '@webroot/minify', // path alias to save minify result
'js_position' => [ \yii\web\View::POS_END ], // positions of js files to be minified
'force_charset' => 'UTF-8', // charset forcibly assign, otherwise will use all of the files found charset
'expand_imports' => true, // whether to change @import on content
'compress_output' => true, // compress result html page