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Ab calc

Ab calc #82

GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report failed May 22, 2024 in 0s

36 tests run, 28 passed, 0 skipped, 8 failed.


Check failure on line 1 in dev/MEEM/test_MEEM.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

Error occurred in test_MEEM/run and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in test_MEEM/run and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Unrecognized function or variable 'heaving_IC'.
    Error in test_MEEM (line 52)
    [mu_nondim, lambda_nondim] = run_MEEM(heaving_IC, heaving_OC, auto_BCs, N_num, M_num, K_num, ...

Check failure on line 1 in dev/MEEM/test_MEEM.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Error occurred in test_MEEM/plotHydroCoeffsVsWavenumber and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in test_MEEM/plotHydroCoeffsVsWavenumber and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Unrecognized function or variable 'm0_nums'.
    Error in test_MEEM (line 59)
    plot(m0_nums,mu_nondim, m0_nums,lambda_nondim)

Check failure on line 1 in tests/test.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Verification failed in test/validateNominalHydroCoeffs.
Raw output
Verification failed in test/validateNominalHydroCoeffs.
    Framework Diagnostic:
    verifyLessThanOrEqual failed.
    --> Each element must be less than or equal to the maximum value.
        Failing Indices:
             1     2     3
    Actual Value:
       0.246772775250039   0.305172063650891   0.172760074615802
    Maximum Value (Inclusive):
    Stack Information:
    In /home/runner/work/MDOcean/MDOcean/tests/test.m (test.validateNominalHydroCoeffs) at 68

Check failure on line 1 in tests/test.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Error occurred in test/allFiguresRun(which_figs=6,which_tabs=0_5) and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in test/allFiguresRun(which_figs=6,which_tabs=0_5) and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using assert
    Invalid geometry
    Error in run_MEEM (line 14)
        assert(all( d1_mat < h_mat,  'all') && ...
    Error in get_hydro_coeffs_MEEM (line 11)
    [mu_nondim, lambda_nondim] = run_MEEM(heaving_IC, heaving_OC, auto_BCs, ...
    Error in dynamics_simple (line 12)
            [A_over_rho, B_over_rho_w, gamma_over_rho_g] = get_hydro_coeffs_MEEM(a2, k, d2, a1, d1, h); 
    Error in dynamics>get_power_force (line 34)
        [w,A,B_h,K_h,Fd,k_wvn] = dynamics_simple(Hs, T, in.D_f, in.T_f, in.D_s, in.T_s, in.h, in.rho_w, in.g, in.use_MEEM);
    Error in dynamics (line 7)
        [P_matrix,h_s_extra,P_unsat] = get_power_force(in,T,Hs,m_float,V_d,draft);
    Error in simulation (line 42)
    	    P_var, P_elec, P_matrix, h_s_extra] = dynamics(in, m_f_tot, V_d, T);
    Error in generatedFunction_simulation1_withReuse (line 33)
        [output1,output2,output3,output4] = simulation(input1, input2);
    Error in generatedConstraints (line 60)
    [~,~,~,arg3] = generatedFunction_simulation1_withReuse(arg2(:)', extraParams{1});
    Error in optim.internal.problemdef.compile.snapExtraParams
    Error in globaloptim.internal.FcnEvaluator/check_nonlinear_feasible_serial (line 20)
            [C_xi, Ceq_xi] = nonlcon(X(i,:));
    Error in globaloptim.internal.FcnEvaluator/getAllPoints_serial (line 55)
                    [feasibleIdx, residCineq, residCeq] = check_nonlinear_feasible_serial(obj, X_i);
    Error in globaloptim.internal.FcnEvaluator/evaluateAll (line 8)
            [idx, X, fval, residuals] = getAllPoints_serial(obj);
    Error in globaloptim.paretosearch.warmstart (line 260)
            [idx, objval, residuals] = optimState.FcnEvaluator.evaluateAll();
    Error in globaloptim.paretosearch.initialize (line 43)
    Error in globaloptim.paretosearch.driver (line 28)
    Error in paretosearch (line 239)
    [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,CINEQ,CEQ] = globaloptim.paretosearch.driver(objfun,nonlcon,optimState,linConstr,options,OUTPUT);
    Error in pareto_search (line 48)
        [x,fval,flag,output,residuals] = paretosearch(probMO);
    Error in all_figures (line 37)
    Error in test/allFiguresRun (line 50)

Check failure on line 1 in tests/test.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Error occurred in test/allFiguresRun(which_figs=7,which_tabs=0_6) and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in test/allFiguresRun(which_figs=7,which_tabs=0_6) and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using assert
    Invalid geometry
    Error in run_MEEM (line 14)
        assert(all( d1_mat < h_mat,  'all') && ...
    Error in get_hydro_coeffs_MEEM (line 11)
    [mu_nondim, lambda_nondim] = run_MEEM(heaving_IC, heaving_OC, auto_BCs, ...
    Error in dynamics_simple (line 12)
            [A_over_rho, B_over_rho_w, gamma_over_rho_g] = get_hydro_coeffs_MEEM(a2, k, d2, a1, d1, h); 
    Error in dynamics>get_power_force (line 34)
        [w,A,B_h,K_h,Fd,k_wvn] = dynamics_simple(Hs, T, in.D_f, in.T_f, in.D_s, in.T_s, in.h, in.rho_w, in.g, in.use_MEEM);
    Error in dynamics (line 7)
        [P_matrix,h_s_extra,P_unsat] = get_power_force(in,T,Hs,m_float,V_d,draft);
    Error in simulation (line 42)
    	    P_var, P_elec, P_matrix, h_s_extra] = dynamics(in, m_f_tot, V_d, T);
    Error in generatedFunction_simulation1_withReuse (line 33)
        [output1,output2,output3,output4] = simulation(input1, input2);
    Error in generatedConstraints (line 60)
    [~,~,~,arg3] = generatedFunction_simulation1_withReuse(arg2(:)', extraParams{1});
    Error in optim.internal.problemdef.compile.snapExtraParams
    Error in globaloptim.internal.FcnEvaluator/check_nonlinear_feasible_serial (line 20)
            [C_xi, Ceq_xi] = nonlcon(X(i,:));
    Error in globaloptim.internal.FcnEvaluator/getAllPoints_serial (line 55)
                    [feasibleIdx, residCineq, residCeq] = check_nonlinear_feasible_serial(obj, X_i);
    Error in globaloptim.internal.FcnEvaluator/evaluateAll (line 8)
            [idx, X, fval, residuals] = getAllPoints_serial(obj);
    Error in globaloptim.paretosearch.warmstart (line 260)
            [idx, objval, residuals] = optimState.FcnEvaluator.evaluateAll();
    Error in globaloptim.paretosearch.initialize (line 43)
    Error in globaloptim.paretosearch.driver (line 28)
    Error in paretosearch (line 239)
    [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,CINEQ,CEQ] = globaloptim.paretosearch.driver(objfun,nonlcon,optimState,linConstr,options,OUTPUT);
    Error in pareto_search (line 48)
        [x,fval,flag,output,residuals] = paretosearch(probMO);
    Error in all_figures (line 37)
    Error in test/allFiguresRun (line 50)

Check failure on line 1 in tests/test.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Error occurred in test/allFiguresRun(which_figs=0_5,which_tabs=6) and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in test/allFiguresRun(which_figs=0_5,which_tabs=6) and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using assert
    Assertion failed.
    Error in dynamics>get_power_force (line 72)
            assert(all(F_err_2 < 1e-3,'all'));
    Error in dynamics (line 7)
        [P_matrix,h_s_extra,P_unsat] = get_power_force(in,T,Hs,m_float,V_d,draft);
    Error in simulation (line 42)
    	    P_var, P_elec, P_matrix, h_s_extra] = dynamics(in, m_f_tot, V_d, T);
    Error in generatedFunction_simulation1_withReuse (line 33)
        [output1,output2,output3,output4] = simulation(input1, input2);
    Error in generatedObjectiveLCOE (line 53)
    [arg1,~,~,~] = generatedFunction_simulation1_withReuse(arg2(:)', extraParams{1});
    Error in optim.internal.problemdef.compile.snapExtraParams
    Error in optimfcnchk/checkfun (line 244)
                f = userfcn(x,varargin{:});
    Error in objfunEvaluator (line 5)
    fval = feval(Objfun, x, self.FunArgs.AdditionalParameters{:});
    Error in OptimFunctions/objective (line 271)
                [fval_, fgrad_, hess_] = self.ObjectiveFunAndGrad(self,self.FunFcn{3},...
    Error in OptimFunctions/objective_first_eval (line 614)
                    [fval,self] = self.objective(X0);
    Error in fmincon (line 500)
    [initVals.f,initVals.g,HESSIAN,funObj] = funObj.objective_first_eval(X);
    Error in run_solver (line 17)
            [X_opt,obj_opt,flag,output,lambda,grad,hess] = fmincon(problem);
    Error in gradient_optim>optimize_both_objectives (line 88)
            [X_opt_raw,obj_opt,flag,output,lambda,grad,hess,problem] = run_solver(prob, obj_names{which_obj}, x0, opts);
    Error in gradient_optim (line 43)
        [Xs_opt, objs_opt, flags, probs] = optimize_both_objectives(X,p,b,x0_input,opts,ploton,which_objs);
    Error in location_sensitivity (line 24)
        [X_opts(:,i), obj_opts(i), flags(i)]  = gradient_optim(X,p,b,which_obj);
    Error in all_figures (line 80)
    Error in test/allFiguresRun (line 50)
    Caused by:
        Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FMINCON cannot continue.

Check failure on line 1 in tests/test.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Verification failed in test/validateNominal(field=FOS_b,rel_tol=0.1_7).
Raw output
Verification failed in test/validateNominal(field=FOS_b,rel_tol=0.1_7).
    Framework Diagnostic:
    verifyEqual failed.
    --> The numeric values are not equal using "isequaln".
    --> The error was not within relative tolerance.
    --> Failure table:
                 Actual         Expected         Error           RelativeError      RelativeTolerance
            ________________    ________    ________________    ________________    _________________
            63.7930599166393       3        60.7930599166393    20.2643533055464           0.1       
    Actual Value:
    Expected Value:
    Stack Information:
    In /home/runner/work/MDOcean/MDOcean/tests/test.m (test.validateNominal) at 56

Check failure on line 1 in tests/test.m

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


Verification failed in test/validateNominal(field=c_v,rel_tol=0.1_8).
Raw output
Verification failed in test/validateNominal(field=c_v,rel_tol=0.1_8).
    Framework Diagnostic:
    verifyEqual failed.
    --> The numeric values are not equal using "isequaln".
    --> The error was not within relative tolerance.
    --> Failure table:
                 Actual             Expected             Error            RelativeError      RelativeTolerance
            ________________    ________________    ________________    _________________    _________________
            81.9596801391506    71.0526622304404    10.9070179087101    0.153506111753225           0.1       
    Actual Value:
    Expected Value:
    Stack Information:
    In /home/runner/work/MDOcean/MDOcean/tests/test.m (test.validateNominal) at 56