Pipeline :
S3 -> Snowflake -> dbt -> Snowflake -> BI (TODO)
Follow the instructions in the Snowflake documentation
Store csv or parquet files in S3
[Optional] Create a user in Snowflake
Create a (some) table(s) in Snowflake
Create a policy to allow Snowflake Read/Write access to the S3 bucket
Create a stage in Snowflake
Bulk load the data from S3 to Snowflake
Install dbt and Snowflake connector (https://docs.getdbt.com/dbt-cli/installation)
bash pip install dbt-snowflake
Create a dbt profile (https://docs.getdbt.com/dbt-cli/configure-your-profile)
Create a dbt project (https://docs.getdbt.com/reference/commands/init)
bash dbt init my_project
Install dbt packages (https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/package-management)
bash dbt deps
Create a dbt model (https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/building-a-dbt-project/building-models)
Test and run the model
bash dbt test; dbt run
- Add more tests
- Look around dvt packages possibilities
- Finish the merge model to update datas
- Add a BI tool (Tableau, PowerBI, Looker, etc.)
- Dockerize the project