Budgeteer is meant to be a basic app for tracking expenses.
No scaffolds :D
Please add specs
**Models:** - Income and Expense Attributes: - Cost - Description - Post Date - defaults to Date.now but can be changed by the user Tags Attributes: - Name
You can use single table inheritance since Income and Expense share the same attributes. Note that this is not required
- Create basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Display) actions for Income and Expense - Use a single form for both income and expense (have a dropdown to choose which one you're creating) - on edit, make sure this is does not change the type of the entry from Invoice to Expense and vice versa - Make sure the form submits using ajax - Add tagging support for incomes and expenses to categorize them - Create a view and controller that will display the last 50 entries for incomes and expenses (total for both, not last 50 for expense and last 50 for incomes) - order by the post date - add a filtering option to display only income or expense - add a search for incomes and expenses by description or cost - Create a view and controller for summary of income/expense under a tag - the summary displays the last 50 entries for incomes and expenses - order by the post date - add a filtering option to display only income or expense - add a search for incomes and expenses by description or cost - Create a rake task that will populate the database will 200 entries of dummy data for each income and expense - User Creation - Add a way for users to register to the site - Add a login screen that will prevent users from viewing the app without proper credentials from the user registration - Add specs for the models and controllers
Time limit: 2 hours :D