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CAMEYAMASAN(version 1) is Time-lapse camera using M5Stack Timer Camera X and Raspberry Pi.

Set Timer Camera X and Raspberry Pi on the same Wi-Fi network, start a web server on Timer Camera X, and then use HTTP requests from Raspberry Pi to get camera images.


Use M5Stack Timer Camera X and Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi model. Use Raspberry Pi with pin headers to use HAT for operation and display. The recommended model is Raspberry Pi Zero WH.

1. Compile Timer Camera X

Compile software for Timer Camera X on PC(Windows, Mac, Linux) and write it.

Compile source to Camera by Arduino in PC

  1. Install Arduino IDE( to PC.
  2. git clone this repository.
  3. Open this repository's root by Arduino IDE.
  4. Setup Arduino IDE set M5Stack-Timer-Cam in ESP32 Arduino( not M5Stack Arduino)
  5. Connect Timer Camera X to PC by USB cable.
  6. Compile to Timer Camera X.

2. Raspberry Pi settings

  1. Install Raspberry Pi OS to Raspberry Pi. Refer to the following link for the installation.
  2. Boot Raspberry Pi, connect with SSH, install git, vim and others.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install git vim wget unzip
  1. Start Raspberry Pi and git clone this repository in Raspberry Pi's /home/pi.
$ cd /home/pi
$ git clone <this repository url>
$ cd /home/pi/<this repository dir name>
  1. $ cp ./py/ ./py/
  2. Install python3, pip, ffmpeg and wget.
    $ sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip ffmpeg wget
    $ sudo pip3 install bleak
    $ sudo pip3 install aioconsole
    $ sudo pip3 install psutil

3. Wi-Fi settings

Set up Wi-Fi by A or B below. A is only Raspberry Pi and Timer Camera X. B requires a Raspberry Pi, a Timer Camera X and a Wi-Fi router. B is easier, but A is recommended for outdoor use.

A. How to use Raspberry Pi as a Wi-Fi access point (Case of RTL8188EUS USB dongle)

  1. Start Raspberry Pi and Login by SSH

  2. Install RTL8188EUS dongle driver

    $ cd /home/pi
    $ wget
    $ tar -xvzf 8188eu-5.4.83-1379.tar.gz
    $ chmod +x ./
    $ ./
  3. $ iwconfig to see if wlan1 exists

  4. Install

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install hostapd dnsmasq
  1. Edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf

$ sudo vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf

add below

interface wlan1
 static ip_address=
 static routers=
 static domain_name_servers=
 static broadcast
  1. Edit ./py/

$ vim ./py/

Write ssid and wpa_passphrase(ps) in py/

  1. Edit /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

$ sudo vim /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

Write ssid and wpa_passphrase(ps) from py/

  1. Edit dnsmsq

$ sudo vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf

  1. Edit syctl.conf

$ sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf

Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4.


$ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE $ sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

  1. unmask settings
$ sudo systemctl stop hostapd
$ sudo systemctl unmask hostapd
($ sudo hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf)
$ sudo systemctl enable hostapd
$ sudo systemctl start hostapd
$ sudo systemctl start dnsmasq
  1. Check Wi-Fi Access Point
# Start server for confirmation
$ python3 -m http.server 3000

Connect MY-RP-SERVER from PC or Smartphone. Open in Browser.

  1. Add below to /etc/rc.local at before exit 0 $ sudo vim /etc/rc.local
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"

service dnsmasq stop
sleep 8
service dnsmasq start
iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat
sleep 3
service hostapd restart
  1. check connecting internet
$ ping

# if nothing receives
$ sudo dhclient wlan0

B. Use Wi-Fi router

Check Wi-Fi router's ssid and password.

  1. Write ssid and ps(password) in py/

$ vim ./py/

4. Usage

  1. Set HAT(OLED Screen and buttons HAT) to Raspberry Pi.
  2. Start Raspberry Pi by connect USB Power.
  3. Connect Raspberry Pi with SSH.
  4. $ python3 py/ in Raspberry Pi's this repository home.
  5. Start Timer Camera X by connect USB Power.

Start app at Raspberry Pi boots

# Connect Raspberry Pi by SSH
$ cd <home directory of this repository>
$ cp ./service/example-camerawithpy.service ./camerawithpy.service

Edit in ./camerawithpy.service and Uncomment Edit in ./

$ chmod a+x ./py/*
$ chmod a+x ./py/interface/*
$ chmod a+x ./
$ sudo cp ./camerawithpy.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ systemctl enable camerawithpy.service
$ sudo reboot

Not start in boot

$ systemctl disable camerawithpy.service

Start shooting

  1. Turn on the power of Timer Camera X and Raspberry Pi.
  2. When app is starts, "app start!" is displayed on the OLED screen on RPI.
  3. Raspberry Pi connects Timer Camera X and Timer Camera X starts wi-fi server automatically.
  4. Start shooting.
  5. Press the button up or down to display stopshoot ? on the OLED screen and press key1 to finish shooting.

Change shooting counts or intervels

$ cp py/ py/
$ vim py/

About variables

max_camera_shooting_counts: max shooting counts
camera_shooting_interval: shooting interval in seconds

Make timelapse video

Create a video after shooting.

# in Raspberry Pi
$ sudo apt install ffmpeg
$ cd <this repository root>
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./

Rreferred to the following page

Shot images to Zip file

# in Raspberry Pi
$ cd <this repository root>
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./


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