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Add a no-op shim for os.OSSignpost
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d-ronnqvist committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent ff4ba14 commit f10598e
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Showing 2 changed files with 190 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
This source file is part of the open source project

Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception

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/// A shim for `OSSignposter` that does nothing, except for running the passed interval task.
/// This type allows calling code to avoid using `#if canImport(os)` throughout the implementation.
package struct NoOpSignposterShim : @unchecked Sendable {
package init() {}

package var isEnabled: Bool { false }

package struct ID {
static var exclusive = ID()
package func makeSignpostID() -> ID { ID() }

package struct IntervalState {}

// Without messages

package func beginInterval(_ name: StaticString, id: ID = .exclusive) -> IntervalState {
package func endInterval(_ name: StaticString, _ state: IntervalState) {}

package func withIntervalSignpost<T>(_ name: StaticString, id: ID = .exclusive, around task: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
try task()

package func emitEvent(_ name: StaticString, id: ID = .exclusive) {}

// With messages

package func beginInterval(_ name: StaticString, id: ID = .exclusive, _ message: NoOpLogMessage) -> IntervalState {
self.beginInterval(name, id: id)
package func endInterval(_ name: StaticString, _ state: IntervalState, _ message: NoOpLogMessage) {}

package func withIntervalSignpost<T>(_ name: StaticString, id: ID = .exclusive, _ message: NoOpLogMessage, around task: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
try self.withIntervalSignpost(name, id: id, around: task)

package func emitEvent(_ name: StaticString, id: ID = .exclusive, _ message: NoOpLogMessage) {}

// MARK: Message

package struct NoOpLogMessage: ExpressibleByStringInterpolation, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
package let interpolation: Interpolation

package init(stringInterpolation: Interpolation) {
interpolation = stringInterpolation
package init(stringLiteral value: String) {
self.init(stringInterpolation: .init(literalCapacity: 0, interpolationCount: 0))

package struct Interpolation: StringInterpolationProtocol {
package init(literalCapacity: Int, interpolationCount: Int) {}

package mutating func appendLiteral(_ literal: String) {}

// Append string
package mutating func appendInterpolation(_ argumentString: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String, align: NoOpLogStringAlignment = .none, privacy: NoOpLogPrivacy = .auto) {}
package mutating func appendInterpolation(_ value: @autoclosure @escaping () -> some CustomStringConvertible, align: NoOpLogStringAlignment = .none, privacy: NoOpLogPrivacy = .auto) {}

// Append booleans
package mutating func appendInterpolation(_ boolean: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Bool, format: NoOpLogBoolFormat = .truth, privacy: NoOpLogPrivacy = .auto) {}

// Append integers
package mutating func appendInterpolation(_ number: @autoclosure @escaping () -> some FixedWidthInteger, format: NoOpLogIntegerFormatting = .decimal, align: NoOpLogStringAlignment = .none, privacy: NoOpLogPrivacy = .auto) {}

// Append float/double
package mutating func appendInterpolation(_ number: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Float, format: NoOpLogFloatFormatting = .fixed, align: NoOpLogStringAlignment = .none, privacy: NoOpLogPrivacy = .auto) {}
package mutating func appendInterpolation(_ number: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Double, format: NoOpLogFloatFormatting = .fixed, align: NoOpLogStringAlignment = .none, privacy: NoOpLogPrivacy = .auto) {}

// Add more interpolations here as needed

package struct NoOpLogStringAlignment {
package static var none: Self { .init() }
package static func right(columns: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) -> Self { .init() }
package static func left(columns: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) -> Self { .init() }

package struct NoOpLogPrivacy {
package enum Mask {
case hash, none
package static var `public`: Self { .init() }
package static var `private`: Self { .init() }
package static var sensitive: Self { .init() }
package static var auto: Self { .init() }
package static func `private`(mask: Mask) -> Self { .init() }
package static func sensitive(mask: Mask) -> Self { .init() }
package static func auto(mask: Mask) -> Self { .init() }

package enum NoOpLogBoolFormat {
case truth, answer

public struct NoOpLogIntegerFormatting {
package static var decimal: Self { .init() }
package static var hex: Self { .init() }
package static var octal: Self { .init() }
package static func decimal(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func decimal(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, minDigits: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) -> Self { .init() }
package static func hex(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, includePrefix: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func hex(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, includePrefix: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false, minDigits: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) -> Self { .init() }
package static func octal(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, includePrefix: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func octal(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, includePrefix: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false, minDigits: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) -> Self { .init() }

package struct NoOpLogFloatFormatting {
package static var fixed: Self { .init() }
package static var hex: Self { .init() }
package static var exponential: Self { .init() }
package static var hybrid: Self { .init() }
package static func fixed(precision: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int, explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func fixed(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func hex(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func exponential(precision: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int, explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func exponential(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func hybrid(precision: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int, explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
package static func hybrid(explicitPositiveSign: Bool = false, uppercase: Bool = false) -> Self { .init() }
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions Tests/SwiftDocCTests/Utility/NoOpSignposterShimTests.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
This source file is part of the open source project

Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception

See for license information
See for Swift project authors

import Foundation
import SwiftDocC
import XCTest

final class NoOpSignposterShimTests: XCTestCase {
func testRunsIntervalVoidWork() {
let signposter = NoOpSignposterShim()

let didPerformWork = expectation(description: "Did perform work")
signposter.withIntervalSignpost("Something") {

wait(for: [didPerformWork], timeout: 10.0)

func testReturnsIntervalWorkResult() {
let signposter = NoOpSignposterShim()

let didPerformWork = expectation(description: "Did perform work")
let number = signposter.withIntervalSignpost("Something") {
return 7
XCTAssertEqual(number, 7)

wait(for: [didPerformWork], timeout: 10.0)

func testCanAcceptMessageInputs() {
let signposter = NoOpSignposterShim()

let handle = signposter.beginInterval("Some interval", "Some message")
signposter.endInterval("Some interval", handle, "Another message")

signposter.emitEvent("Some event", id: signposter.makeSignpostID(), "Some static string")
signposter.emitEvent("Some event", "Some formatted bool \(true, format: .answer)")
signposter.emitEvent("Some event", "Some formatted integer \(12, format: .decimal)")
signposter.emitEvent("Some event", "Some formatted float \(7.0, format: .exponential)")
signposter.emitEvent("Some event", "Some sensitive string \("my secret", privacy: .sensitive(mask: .hash))")
signposter.emitEvent("Some event", "Some non-secret string \("my secret", privacy: .public)")

signposter.emitEvent("Some event", "Some aligned values \(12, align: .right(columns: 5)) \("some text", align: .left(columns: 10))")

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