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Suggested only the minimal type disambiguation
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d-ronnqvist committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent 784ba58 commit 6109d28
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Expand Up @@ -387,31 +387,37 @@ extension PathHierarchy.DisambiguationContainer {
) -> [(value: PathHierarchy.Node, disambiguation: Disambiguation)] {
var collisions: [(value: PathHierarchy.Node, disambiguation: Disambiguation)] = []

let groupedByTypeCount = [Int?: [Element]](grouping: elements, by: { types($0)?.count })
for (typesCount, elements) in groupedByTypeCount {
guard let typesCount else { continue }
guard elements.count > 1 else {
typealias ElementAndTypeNames = (element: Element, typeNames: [String])
var groupedByTypeCount: [Int: [ElementAndTypeNames]] = [:]
for element in elements {
guard let typeNames = types(element) else { continue }

groupedByTypeCount[typeNames.count, default: []].append((element, typeNames))

for (numberOfTypeNames, elementAndTypeNamePairs) in groupedByTypeCount {
guard elementAndTypeNamePairs.count > 1 else {
// Only one element has this number of types. Disambiguate with only underscores.
let element = elements.first!
let (element, _) = elementAndTypeNamePairs.first!
guard remainingIDs.contains(element.node.identifier) else { continue } // Don't disambiguate the same element more than once
collisions.append((value: element.node, disambiguation: makeDisambiguation(.init(repeating: "_", count: typesCount))))
collisions.append((value: element.node, disambiguation: makeDisambiguation(.init(repeating: "_", count: numberOfTypeNames))))
guard typesCount > 0 else { continue } // Need at least one return value to disambiguate

for typeIndex in 0..<typesCount {
let grouped = [String: [Element]](grouping: elements, by: { types($0)![typeIndex] })
for (returnType, elements) in grouped where elements.count == 1 {
// Only one element has this return type
let element = elements.first!
guard remainingIDs.contains(element.node.identifier) else { continue } // Don't disambiguate the same element more than once
var disambiguation = [String](repeating: "_", count: typesCount)
disambiguation[typeIndex] = returnType
collisions.append((value: element.node, disambiguation: makeDisambiguation(disambiguation)))
guard numberOfTypeNames > 0 else {
continue // Need at least one type name to disambiguate (when there are multiple elements without parameters or return values)

let disambiguation = minimalSuggestedDisambiguation(listOfOverloadTypeNames:\.typeNames))

for (pair, disambiguation) in zip(elementAndTypeNamePairs, disambiguation) {
guard let disambiguation else {
continue // This element can't be uniquely disambiguated using these types
guard remainingIDs.contains(pair.element.node.identifier) else { continue } // Don't disambiguate the same element more than once
collisions.append((value: pair.element.node, disambiguation: makeDisambiguation(disambiguation)))
return collisions
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
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import Foundation

extension PathHierarchy.DisambiguationContainer {

/// Returns the minimal suggested type-signature disambiguation for a list of overloads with lists of type names (either parameter types or return value types).
/// For example, the following type names
/// ```
/// String Int Double
/// String? Int Double
/// String? Int Float
/// ```
/// can be disambiguated using:
/// - `String,_,_` because only the first overload has `String` as its first type
/// - `String?,_,Double` because the combination of `String?` as its first type and `Double` as the last type is unique to the second overload.
/// - `_,_,Float` because only the last overload has `Float` as its last type.
/// - Parameter listOfTypeNames: The lists of type-name lists to shrink to the minimal unique combinations of type names
static func minimalSuggestedDisambiguation(listOfOverloadTypeNames: [[String]]) -> [[String]?] {
// The number of types in each list
guard let numberOfTypes = listOfOverloadTypeNames.first?.count, 0 < numberOfTypes else {
return []

guard listOfOverloadTypeNames.dropFirst().allSatisfy({ $0.count == numberOfTypes }) else {
assertionFailure("Overloads should always have the same number of parameters")
return []

// We find the minimal suggested type-signature disambiguation in two steps.
// First, we compute which type names occur in which _other_ overloads.
// For example, these type names (left) have these commonalities between each other (right).
// String Int Double [ ] [ 12] [ 1 ]
// String? Int Double [ 2] [0 2] [0 ]
// String? Int Float [ 1 ] [01 ] [ ]
// Note that each cell doesn't include its own index.

let table: [[Set<Int>]] = { typeNames in
typeNames.indexed().map { column, name in
Set(listOfOverloadTypeNames.indices.filter {
$0 != row && listOfOverloadTypeNames[$0][column] == name

// Second, we iterate over each overload's type names to find the shortest disambiguation.
return listOfOverloadTypeNames.indexed().map { row, overload in
var shortestDisambiguationSoFar: (indicesToInclude: Set<Int>, length: Int)?

// For each overload we iterate over the possible parameter combinations with increasing number of elements in each combination.
for typeNamesToInclude in uniqueSortedCombinations(ofNumbersUpTo: numberOfTypes) {
// Stop if we've already found a match with fewer parameters than this
guard typeNamesToInclude.count <= (shortestDisambiguationSoFar?.indicesToInclude.count ?? .max) else {

let firstTypeNameToInclude = typeNamesToInclude.first! // The generated `typeNamesToInclude` is never empty.
// Compute which other overloads this combinations of type names also could refer to.
let overlap = typeNamesToInclude.dropFirst().reduce(into: table[row][firstTypeNameToInclude]) { partialResult, index in

guard overlap.isEmpty else {
// This combination of parameters doesn't disambiguate the result

// Track the combined length of these type names in case another overload with the same number of type names is shorter.
let length = typeNamesToInclude.reduce(0) { partialResult, index in
partialResult + overload[index].count
if length < (shortestDisambiguationSoFar?.length ?? .max) {
shortestDisambiguationSoFar = (Set(typeNamesToInclude), length)

guard let (indicesToInclude, _) = shortestDisambiguationSoFar else {
// This overload can't be uniquely disambiguated by these type names
return nil

// Found the fewest (and shortest) type names that uniquely disambiguate this overload.
// To compute the overload, start with all the type names and replace the unused ones with "_"
var disambiguation = overload
for col in overload.indices where !indicesToInclude.contains(col) {
disambiguation[col] = "_"
return disambiguation

/// Returns a sequence of unique combinations up a given upper bounds, with increasing number of elements in each combination.
/// For example, when `upperBounds` is `4`, the sequence will first contain all the 1-element combinations:
/// ```
/// [1], [2], [3], [4],
/// ```
/// Next, it will contains all the 2-element combinations (in _some_ inner order):
/// ```
/// [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 4],
/// ```
/// Next, it will contains all the 3-element combinations (in _some_ inner order):
/// ```
/// [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4],
/// ```
/// Finally, it will contains all the only 4-element combinations:
/// ```
/// [1, 2, 3, 4],
/// ```
private func uniqueSortedCombinations(ofNumbersUpTo upperBounds: Int) -> some Sequence<[Int]> {

/// An iterator that generates sequences of unique number combinations, as described above.
/// The iterator works by generating all combinations of a given size and then returning each element from the list.
/// Once the iterator reaches the end of one size, it generates the next size and returns each element from that list.
struct SortedCombinationsIterator: IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = [Int]

private var upperBounds: Int
private var currentSize = 0
private var current: [Element]
private var currentSlice: ArraySlice<Element>

init(upperBounds: Int) {
self.upperBounds = upperBounds
self.current = (0..<upperBounds).map { [$0] }
self.currentSlice = current[...]

mutating func next() -> Element? {
if !currentSlice.isEmpty {
return currentSlice.removeFirst()
guard currentSize < upperBounds else {
return nil
currentSize += 1
current = combinations(upTo: upperBounds, previous: current)
guard !current.isEmpty else {
return nil
currentSlice = current[...]
return currentSlice.removeFirst()

func combinations(upTo upperBounds: Int, previous: [Element]) -> [Element] {
precondition(upperBounds > 0)

var result: [Element] = []
result.reserveCapacity(upperBounds * upperBounds-1)
for number in 0 ..< upperBounds {
for var existing in previous where !existing.contains(number) && (existing.last ?? .max) < number {

return result

return IteratorSequence(SortedCombinationsIterator(upperBounds: upperBounds))

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