This React starterkit uses: gulp, stylus, webpack, react-hot-loader, babel for ES6 syntax and .jsx handling. Reflux is used for the dataflow and the routing is managed with the React-Router.
provides a prepared development environment based on gulp, stylus and webpack. The internal data flow is handled with Reflux and routing with React-Router.
Install all dependencies.
$ npm install
Build and serve application
$ gulp run
Served from: http://localhost:3000/build/index.html#/
Create cordova/phonegap app
$ gulp cordova-create
Run cordova/phonegap server
Run cordova/phonegap on cordova server for testing your app in PhoneGap Developer App. Auto-reloads on change. Much slower (approx. 4 seconds) then in normal dev mode.
$ gulp run --type cordova
Check console log for adress.
Installing Cordova Plugins
Add plugin entries at
Javascript entry file: app/scripts/main.js
CSS / Stylus
Uses Stylus-loader to import Stylus files from your .jsx files.
import './style.styl' //ES6 syntax
##Credits Heavenly borrowed from: