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Use custom types for immediate update
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xsebek committed Dec 14, 2022
1 parent 066dd43 commit 3f5c541
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Showing 3 changed files with 56 additions and 67 deletions.
47 changes: 16 additions & 31 deletions src/Swarm/Game/CESK.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,20 +91,22 @@ module Swarm.Game.CESK (

import Control.Lens.Combinators (pattern Empty)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Aeson qualified
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IM
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Swarm.Game.Entity (Entity, Inventory)
import Linear (V2)
import Swarm.Game.Entity (Count, Entity)
import Swarm.Game.Exception
import Swarm.Game.Value as V
import Swarm.Game.World (World)
import Swarm.Language.Context
import Swarm.Language.Pipeline
import Swarm.Language.Pretty
import Swarm.Language.Requirement (ReqCtx)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Syntax qualified as Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Types
import Witch (from)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ data Frame
-- if there is one, to the output of the first command).
FBind (Maybe Var) Term Env
| -- | Apply specific updates to the world and current robot.
FImmediate WorldUpdate RobotUpdate
FImmediate Const [WorldUpdate] [RobotUpdate]
| -- | Update the memory cell at a certain location with the computed value.
FUpdate Loc
| -- | Signal that we are done with an atomic computation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,39 +352,22 @@ prettyFrame (FDef x) = "def " ++ from x ++ " = _"
prettyFrame FExec = "exec _"
prettyFrame (FBind Nothing t _) = "_ ; " ++ prettyString t
prettyFrame (FBind (Just x) t _) = from x ++ " <- _ ; " ++ prettyString t
prettyFrame FImmediate {} = "(_ : cmd a)"
prettyFrame (FImmediate c w r) = unwords ["immediate@" <> T.unpack (Syntax.syntax $ Syntax.constInfo c), show w, show r]
prettyFrame (FUpdate loc) = "store@" ++ show loc ++ "(_)"
prettyFrame FFinishAtomic = "finishAtomic"

-- Wrappers for functions in FImmediate
-- NOTE: we can not use GameState and Robot directly, as it
-- would create a cyclic dependency. The alternative is
-- making CESK, Cont and Frame polymorphic which just muddies
-- the picture too much for one little game feature.
-- BEWARE: the types do not follow normal laws for Show and Eq

newtype WorldUpdate = WorldUpdate
{ worldUpdate :: World Int Entity -> Either Exn (World Int Entity)

newtype RobotUpdate = RobotUpdate
{ robotUpdateInventory :: Inventory -> Inventory
data WorldUpdate = ReplaceEntity
{ updatedLoc :: V2 Int64
, originalEntity :: Entity
, newEntity :: Maybe Entity
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

instance Show WorldUpdate where show _ = "WorldUpdate {???}"

instance Show RobotUpdate where show _ = "RobotUpdate {???}"

instance Eq WorldUpdate where _ == _ = True

instance Eq RobotUpdate where _ == _ = True

-- TODO: remove these instances once Update fields are concret
instance FromJSON WorldUpdate where parseJSON _ = pure $ WorldUpdate $ \w -> Right w
instance ToJSON WorldUpdate where toJSON _ = Data.Aeson.Null
instance FromJSON RobotUpdate where parseJSON _ = pure $ RobotUpdate id
instance ToJSON RobotUpdate where toJSON _ = Data.Aeson.Null
data RobotUpdate
= AddEntity Count Entity
| LearnEntity Entity
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/Swarm/Game/Recipe.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,11 +222,10 @@ make ::
-- a function to add results and the recipe repeated
(Inventory, Inventory -> Inventory, Recipe Entity)
(Inventory, IngredientList Entity, Recipe Entity)
make invs r = finish <$> make' invs r
finish (invTaken, out) = (invTaken, addOuts out, r)
addOuts out inv' = foldl' (flip $ uncurry insertCount) inv' out
finish (invTaken, out) = (invTaken, out, r)

-- | Try to make a recipe, but do not insert it yet.
make' :: (Inventory, Inventory) -> Recipe Entity -> Either [MissingIngredient] (Inventory, IngredientList Entity)
Expand Down
71 changes: 38 additions & 33 deletions src/Swarm/Game/Step.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -380,6 +380,21 @@ stepRobot r = do
(r', cesk') <- runState (r & tickSteps -~ 1) (stepCESK (r ^. machine))
return $ r' & machine .~ cesk'

-- replace some entity in the world with another entity
updateWorld ::
(Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (Throw Exn) sig m) =>
Const ->
WorldUpdate ->
m ()
updateWorld c (ReplaceEntity loc eThen down) = do
w <- use world
let eNow = W.lookupEntity (W.locToCoords loc) w
if Just eThen /= eNow
then throwError $ cmdExn c ["The", eThen ^. entityName, "is not there."]
else do
world %= W.update (W.locToCoords loc) (const down)
pure ()

-- | The main CESK machine workhorse. Given a robot, look at its CESK
-- machine state and figure out a single next step.
stepCESK :: (Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (State Robot) sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) => CESK -> m CESK
Expand All @@ -396,13 +411,14 @@ stepCESK cesk = case cesk of
if wakeupTime <= time
then stepCESK cesk'
else return cesk
Out v s (FImmediate wf rf : k) -> do
wc <- worldUpdate wf <$> use world
Out v s (FImmediate cmd wf rf : k) -> do
wc <- runError $ mapM_ (updateWorld cmd) wf
case wc of
Left exn -> return $ Up exn s k
Right wo -> do
robotInventory %= robotUpdateInventory rf
world .= wo
Right () -> do
forM_ rf $ \case
AddEntity c e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount c e
LearnEntity e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount 0 e
needsRedraw .= True
stepCESK (Out v s k)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -914,7 +930,7 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
-- take recipe inputs from inventory and add outputs after recipeTime
robotInventory .= invTaken
traverse_ (updateDiscoveredEntities . snd) (recipe ^. recipeOutputs)
finishCookingRecipe recipe (WorldUpdate Right) (RobotUpdate changeInv)
finishCookingRecipe recipe [] (map (uncurry AddEntity) changeInv)
_ -> badConst
Has -> case vs of
[VText name] -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -976,14 +992,23 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
`isJustOrFail` ["You don't have the ingredients to drill", indefinite (nextE ^. entityName) <> "."]

let (out, down) = L.partition ((`hasProperty` Portable) . snd) outs
changeInv =
flip (L.foldl' (flip $ uncurry insertCount)) out
. flip (L.foldl' (flip $ insertCount 0)) (map snd down)
changeWorld = changeWorld' nextE nextLoc down
let learn = map (LearnEntity . snd) down
let gain = map (uncurry AddEntity) out

newEntity <- case down of
[] -> pure Nothing
[(1, de)] -> pure $ Just de
_ -> throwError $ Fatal "Bad recipe:\n more than one unmovable entity produced."
let changeWorld =
{ updatedLoc = nextLoc
, originalEntity = nextE
, newEntity = newEntity

-- take recipe inputs from inventory and add outputs after recipeTime
robotInventory .= invTaken
finishCookingRecipe recipe (WorldUpdate changeWorld) (RobotUpdate changeInv)
finishCookingRecipe recipe [changeWorld] (learn <> gain)
_ -> badConst
Blocked -> do
loc <- use robotLocation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1498,12 +1523,12 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
, from (prettyCESK (Out (VCApp c (reverse vs)) s k))

finishCookingRecipe :: HasRobotStepState sig m => Recipe e -> WorldUpdate -> RobotUpdate -> m CESK
finishCookingRecipe :: HasRobotStepState sig m => Recipe e -> [WorldUpdate] -> [RobotUpdate] -> m CESK
finishCookingRecipe r wf rf = do
time <- use ticks
let remTime = r ^. recipeTime
return . (if remTime <= 1 then id else Waiting (remTime + time)) $
Out VUnit s (FImmediate wf rf : k)
Out VUnit s (FImmediate c wf rf : k)

lookInDirection :: HasRobotStepState sig m => Direction -> m (V2 Int64, Maybe Entity)
lookInDirection d = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1650,23 +1675,6 @@ execConst c vs s k = do

return (minimalInstallSet, missingChildInv)

-- replace some entity in the world with another entity
changeWorld' ::
Entity ->
V2 Int64 ->
IngredientList Entity ->
W.World Int Entity ->
Either Exn (W.World Int Entity)
changeWorld' eThen loc down w =
let eNow = W.lookupEntity (W.locToCoords loc) w
in if Just eThen /= eNow
then Left $ cmdExn c ["The", eThen ^. entityName, "is not there."]
w `updateLoc` loc <$> case down of
[] -> Right Nothing
[de] -> Right $ Just $ snd de
_ -> Left $ Fatal "Bad recipe:\n more than one unmovable entity produced."

destroyIfNotBase :: HasRobotStepState sig m => m ()
destroyIfNotBase = do
rid <- use robotID
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1713,9 +1721,6 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
`holdsOrFail` ["The robot with ID", from (show rid), "is not close enough."]
return other

-- update some tile in the world setting it to entity or making it empty
updateLoc w loc res = W.update (W.locToCoords loc) (const res) w

holdsOrFail :: (Has (Throw Exn) sig m) => Bool -> [Text] -> m ()
holdsOrFail a ts = a `holdsOr` cmdExn c ts

Expand Down

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