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Neovim Dots, 💤 Lazy Edition

A port, with lots of unused features removed, of my 'pure' neovim config to one built off of LazyVim.


Refer to the LazyVim docs for setup particularities. Otherwise, clone this config to ~/.config/nvim/, start nvim, and :checkhealth. The plugin manager lazy.nvim should be automatically bootstrapped on first start.


The following is required for use of the features in this config:

  • Basic tools, e.g. git, curl, unzip, etc.
  • Neovim packages: neovim, python-pynvim
    • Neovim version must be >= 0.10.0
    • Use of 0.10.0 allows for LSP inlay hints, native snippets, native commenting, and more. The plugins providing these functions for versions >= 0.9 have been removed, and thus this config won't be fully functional without 0.10.0.
  • Nerd Font as terminal font, version >= 3 (I use JetBrains Mono)
  • Packages for use by plugins
    • For Mason (installs formatters, linters, LSPs): npm, cargo
    • For Telescope (fuzzy finders, etc.): rg, fd
  • Optional packages
    • lazygit (for embedded lazygit window)

Setup Config

Once the requirements have been installed, prepare the configuration on your system.

Backing Up Existing Config

If you have an existing Neovim configuration, it can be backed up and restored if you wish to change back at any point in the future.

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak

Cloning Dotflies

Once any existing Neovim configuration has been backed up, clone this repository into ~/.config/nvim/. If an existing Neovim configuration exists, but does not need to be preserved, remove ~/.local/share/nvim/ prior to starting Neovim for the first time.

git clone ~/.config/nvim


Once the dotfiles have been cloned, start nvim for the first time, and allow all plugins to install. Once all plugins have installed, quit Neovim and reopen it.

If, after reopening Neovim, there are still missing tools or errors are being generated, run :LazyHealth to load all plugins and open the check health window. Troubleshoot the installation (e.g. look for missing binaries) using this.


This is a personal config that is often modified. There may be aspects that will not work on other systems without some tweaking, and breaking changes may be made without notice at any time. Please be careful if you wish to use this config yourself, as some modification will likely be required.


Neovim dotfiles







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