I am a Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) 🧪
- 🔭 I am currently working on process and test automation projects with a BDD approach (on UI and API level).
- 🌱 I am continuously learning more about Go (golang) and a proper usage of the language.
- 👯 I am looking to collaborate and contribute on interesting projects in AutoIt, Go (golang) and all kind of #web-based-stuff (JavaScript | node.js).
- 💬 Ask me about AutoIt! I worked with this language since many years.
- 📢 Fun fact: I built my wooden house partly on my own.
Readable Code Matters 👨💻
#languages #frameworks 🦄
I did and do a lot more - but on GitLab 🦊
Feel free to ask me any question - I am grateful to help 🤝
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