Pre-reqs :
Start MySQL DB :
docker run -p 3306:3306 --name=sri-mysql --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" mysql
Create below table :
CREATE TABLE account_closed ( phoneno varchar(255), unlockphone boolean, phoneunlocked boolean, eDelivery boolean, finalamount varchar(255), finalamountpaid boolean, accountclosed boolean, finalbillnotificationsent boolean, daterequested varchar(255), comments varchar(255));
Start JBoss with PAM
CD /Users/svalluru/EAP-7.3.0/bin and Start Jboss EAP -c standalone-full.xml Go to PAM console : http://localhost:8080/business-central/kie-wb.jsp
Start Kafka and HTTP Bridge (Enable CORS)
Go to /Users/svalluru/Downloads/kafka-bridge-0.19.0/bin ./ --config-file=../config/
Clone and start using "ng serve" then go to http://localhost:4200/
For Unlock failed scenario :
Start PAM task and complete it and check if the DB process is done or not.
Monitoring the Fuse / Camel
Add below property in :
Add below snippet in pom.xml :
Follow the below steps if you are not using UI to test it.
Happy Path :
Put Below JSON message in close-account topic
{ "phoneno" : "6508621000", "unlock" : "false", "eDelivery" : "true" }
Update DB with following statement :
update account_closed Set finalamountpaid=true where phoneno = '6508621000'
Unlock devide failed Path :
Put Below JSON message in close-account topic
{ "phoneno" : "6508621001", "unlock" : "true", "eDelivery" : "true" }
Local steps : cd /Users/svalluru/kafka_2.13-3.1.0
bin/ config/ bin/ config/
Update kafka HTTP bridge port to 8680 and enable cors
./ --config-file=../config/
cd /Users/svalluru/pam712/target/jboss-eap-7.4/bin ./
podman machine start podman run -p 3306:3306 --name=sri-mysql --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" mysql create table
in telecom-qos-ui folder run npx ng serve
Create PAM Admin user with username "rhpamAdmin" as it is used in Process Definition. Create server and deploy the app in server.
cleanup steps :
truncate table account_closed clean messages in Kafka topics
unlock failed number 6508627100