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Publication metadata

carmi cronje (she/her) edited this page Jun 18, 2022 · 3 revisions

Notes related to metadata maintained in the master publication file for SuttaCentral

The _publication.json file at the top level of the bilara-data repository includes all SuttaCentral publication details. Each entry records a single publication event as a JSON object. Only essential information is recorded; enough to make sense on a standalone basis.

Schema properties

Property Description
publication_number An incremental identifier for tracking SuttaCentral publications.
root_lang_iso The ISO 639 code of the root text language on which the translation is based.
root_lang_name The full name of the root_lang_iso code.
translation_lang_iso The ISO 639 code of the target language of the translation.
translation_lang_name The full name of the translation_lang_iso code.
source_url An unambiguous reference to the resource. The URL string identifies the content of the publication.
author_uid A unique author identifier used in the source_url. Can be the same as the author_github_handle. Must be lowercase and URL-safe i.e. no diacritics, Chinese characters etc. The author_uid must be recorded in _author.json for the name to be displayed on the suttaplex
author_name The full name of the author.
author_github_handle The author’s GitHub handle is used to manage Bilara workflows. Preferably similar to author's name or author_uid.
text_uid The unique text identifier as used on SuttaCentral e.g. an, dn, dn, sn, dhp, thig, thag etc. A Bilara project corresponds approximately with a ‘book’.
translation_title The name given to the translation.
translation_subtitle The subtitle given to the translation.
root_title The name by which the root text is formally known.
translation_process An unstructured field to record the process the author used to do the translation.
translation_description An unstructured field to record the descriptive information about the translation e.g. an account of the content.
is_published A boolean value to indicate whether the text is published or not. The value is set to false for new projects. Once a translation is published the value is set to true.
publication_status An informal field to clarify the ongoing status of the publication.
license All translations are dedicated to the Public Domain, licensed Creative Commons Zero.
edition The entity responsible for making the resource available, the format, date, and version of publication. Multiple editions are allowed.


  "scpub2": {
    "publication_number": "scpub2",
    "root_lang_iso": "pli",
    "root_lang_name": "Pali",
    "translation_lang_iso": "en",
    "translation_lang_name": "English",
    "source_url": "",
    "author_uid": "sujato",
    "author_name": "Bhikkhu Sujato",
    "author_github_handle": "sujato",
    "text_uid": "dn",
    "translation_title": "Long Discourses",
    "translation_subtitle": "A translation of the Dīgha Nikāya",
    "root_title": "Dīgha Nikāya",
    "translation_process": "Primary source was the digital Mahāsaṅgīti edition of the Pali Tipiṭaka. Translated from the Pali, with reference to several English translations, especially those of Bhikkhu Bodhi.",
    "translation_description": "This translation was part of a project to translate the four Pali Nikāyas with the following aims: plain, approachable English; consistent terminology; accurate rendition of the Pali; free of copyright. It was made during 2016–2018 while Bhikkhu Sujato was staying in Qimei, Tawian.",
    "is_published": "true",
    "publication_status": "Completed, revision is ongoing.",
    "license": {
      "license_type": "Creative Commons Zero",
      "license_abbreviation": "CC0",
      "license_url": "",
      "license_statement": "This translation is an expression of an ancient spiritual text that has been passed down by the Buddhist tradition for the benefit of all sentient beings. It is dedicated to the public domain via Creative Commons Zero (CC0). You are encouraged to copy, reproduce, adapt, alter, or otherwise make use of this translation. The translator respectfully requests that any use be in accordance with the values and principles of the Buddhist community."
    "edition": [
        "edition_number": "1",
        "publication_date": "2018",
        "publisher": "SuttaCentral",
        "publication_type": "website",
        "edition_url": ""

Collaborating on a project

In the case where there are two or more authors working together on a translation project, author_uid becomes the joint author/team name, and the collaborator property is included, which holds an array of author objects.

Collaborators Example 1

    "author_uid": "sujato-walton",
    "collaborator": [
        "collaborator_uid": "sujato",
        "author_name": "Bhikkhu Sujato",
        "author_github_handle": "sujato"
        "collaborator_uid": "walton",
        "author_name": "Jessica Walton",
        "author_github_handle": ""

Collaborators Example 2

    "author_uid": "my-team",
    "collaborator": [
        "collaborator_uid": "nyeinchanaye",
        "author_name": "Ma Nyein Nyein Chan Chan",
        "author_github_handle": "NyeinChanAye"
        "collaborator_uid": "ashinsarana",
        "author_name": "Ashin Sarana",
        "author_github_handle": "ashinsarana"