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Modellierung von Leseverhalten auf Online-Zeitungsportalen anhand von Deep Learning

Masterarbeit von Susanna Rücker an der FSU Jena in Zusammenarbeit mit der INWT Statistics GmbH

English abstract

The present study deals with user engagement on German online news articles. Several implicit feedback measures or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – such as pageviews or dwell time – are commonly used as a proxy for measuring user engagement on websites. After a thorough discussion concerning the use of implicit user feedback and related fields of research, the main focus of this work is building different kinds of models for predicting average user dwell time given only the text of each article. A large corpus (consisting of news articles and their respective KPI measures) was created specifically for this study, part of which (36383 articles from the German daily newspaper [censored]) was then chosen for the prediction task. The line of models includes several baselines, two of them using Bag-of-Words features, but relies mostly on including the well-known pretrained transformer model BERT in several Deep Learning architectures. All models are evaluated and compared on unseen test data, using various evaluation metrics. This work deals with the problem of applying BERT to longer documents, given its limitation on input sequence length. Most of the models simply truncate the article and just use the first part – which turns out to be a valid approach resulting in good predictions of dwell time. However, two of the more complex models take a hierarchical approach, splitting the article in several smaller sections and combining the output of each section. A further analysis gives insights on the dwell time predictions of two models (one BOW-baseline and one model including BERT), using the tool SHAP for interpreting model predictions.

abgegebene schriftliche Version der Arbeit (Update am 10.09.21):

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Master Thesis at FSU Jena, working repository






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