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Repo for the NLP-workshop

Repo containing some Jupyter Notebooks for a quick introduction to some basic NLP concepts. The notebooks can be run in Google Colab (make sure to enable GPU!).

Data and Task used in the examples

  • in all notebooks we'll use the public datast 10kGNAD (10k German News Articles Dataset), for more infos see
  • downloading the data is included in each notebook
  • 10k German News Articles classified into 9 labels (Topics/Rubrics)
    • Panorama, Web, International, Wirtschaft, Sport, Inland, Etat, Wissenschaft, Kultur
  • already split into train and test set
    • keep in mind, normally we want to have 3 splits (called train, dev/val, test), here we will use the so called test split more like you would use a development/validation split)
  • so - not very surprising - we will do the task of supervised text classification

Some notes on goals and how to approach this:

  • note: text classification is a rather simple NLP task, you absolutely don't need DL/BERT to solve it well, but for learning purposes it's good
  • the real benefit of DL-Models and BERT and friends is much more apparent in complex tasks, such as question answering, translation, sequence labelling, relation extraction, text generation, chatbots, summarization, ...
  • we won't spend a lot of time in tuning the model hyperparameters (learning rate, number of layers, Dropout, ...) or think a lot about preprocessing, this holds for both the more simple models and the DL models
  • so the best model performance is not the goal here
  • some goals instead are:
    • encounter some basic NLP concepts, such as BOW, Tokenization, Padding/Truncating, Word Embeddings, train-test-Split, pretrained Embeddings (fastText), pretrained Transformer (BERT)
    • use them and train some simple models for the text classification task (Logistic Regression, FFN, RNN)
    • have a look at using pretrained BERT from Huggingface (Keras or PyTorch)
    • have fun with coming up with own test examples
    • maybe get some ideas what should be done better... ;)

Content Overview

  • 01_BOW_sklearn_FFN.ipynb
    • data loading, small inspection, BOW features with sklearn.CountVectorizer, some sklearn models, classification_report, Keras-FFN, plotting learning curves, predicting unseen text
    • small look into Spacy (lemmatization, POS) and stop words list (NLTK)
  • 02_Word-Embeddings_FFN_RNN_fastText.ipynb
    • load and play around with German fastText Embeddings, use them for centroid ("bag-of-vectors") + FFN
    • then RNN with Embedding-Layer with a) no pretrained weights, b) frozen fastText weights, c) fine tuning everything
  • 03a_BERT-classifier_PyTorch.ipynb
    • using pretrained BertForSequenceClassification from Huggingface's transformer library
    • PyTorch
  • 03b_BERT-classifier_Keras.ipynb
    • trial: the same in Keras (TFBertForSequenceClassification)


Some notebooks for introduction to NLP






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