role installs selected Ruby version via APT package manager.
By default APT picks the Ruby packages to install automatically - if you
have backported Ruby 2.1 packages, they will be installed if available; if
you don't have them, debops.ruby
will install current Ruby packages
available on your system.
If you want to install Ruby 2.1 packages on Debian Wheezy, set
ruby_version: 'backport'
in your inventory and this role will use
role to automatically backport all required packages
from Debian Jessie. These packages will be installed on the build host and
uploaded to Ansible Controller to a specific directory, where
role can find them and automatically import them to local
APT repository, at which point these packages will become available to all
hosts in a cluster.
This role will also install gems from RubyGems specified in a list.
This role requires at least Ansible v1.7.0
. To install it, run:
ansible-galaxy install debops.ruby
More information about debops.ruby
can be found in the
official debops.ruby documentation.
You may need to include missing roles from the DebOps common playbook into your playbook.
Try DebOps now for a complete solution to run your Debian-based infrastructure.
role was written by:
License: GPLv3
This role is part of the DebOps project. README generated by ansigenome.