A Blazor chart library, based on G2Plot
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Go to the project folder of the application and install the Nuget package reference
$ dotnet add package AntDesign.Charts
- Link the static files in
(WebAssembly) orPages/_Host.razor
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@antv/g2plot@latest/dist/g2plot.min.js"></script> <script src="_content/AntDesign.Charts/ant-design-charts-blazor.js"></script>
- Add namespace in
@using AntDesign.Charts
- Link the static files in
Finally, it can be referenced in the `.razor' component!
<Line Data="data" Config="config" /> @code{ object[] data = new object[] { new { year= "1991", value= 3 }, new { year= "1992", value= 4 }, new { year= "1993", value= 3.5 }, new { year= "1994", value= 5 }, new { year= "1995", value= 4.9 }, new { year= "1996", value= 6 }, new { year= "1997", value= 7 }, new { year= "1998", value= 9 }, new { year= "1999", value= 13 }, }; LineConfig config = new LineConfig() { title = new Title() { visible = true, text = "曲线折线图", }, description = new Description() { visible = true, text = "用平滑的曲线代替折线。", }, padding = "auto", forceFit = true, xField = "year", yField = "value", smooth = true, }; }
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