Use SVG elements on modern browsers with sprite fallback for IE8, just using CSS classes and some conditional JS polyfilling.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-badass --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
This plugin was designed to work with Grunt 0.4.5. It will not work with v0.3.x.
Local path to a folder containing
Local path that you want all your generated files to be exported to
Each object in this array must follow this format.
{ filename: "camera", class: "camera-cold", w: 50, h:44, fillCol: "#4183c4", standAlone: true }
- filename {string} - the name of the svg file without the extension.
- class {string} optional - the modified svg's name. This will be the css class name used and the file name for and pngs generated during the build. If omitted an auto-generated name will be created. Recommendation is to include this option.
- w {number} - width of the svg in pixels. It is up to you to work out the w/h ratio.
- h {number} - height of the svg in pixels. It is up to you to work out the w/h ratio.
- fillCol {string} optional - hex or css colour value that you want to replace the
fluro green with for the fill colour. - strokeCol {string} optional - hex or css colour value that you want to replace the
fluro green with for the stroke colour. - strokeWidth {string} optional - width in pixels of the stroke that you want to alter. If the stroke is set to
in the svg, it will be affected by this. - standAlone {boolean} optional - if you want a copy of the png as a stand alone file as well. It will still be included in the sprite.
A class prefix for your sprite's icons. Keep it short, as it will appear on all badass svg classes.
An id prefix for your svg elements. Keep it short, as it will appear on all badass svg ids. Will default to same as
Local path to the folder that will contain any icons marked as 'stand alone' (in each icon config you can set this with
The absolute path to your sprite, which will get embedded into your CSS or SCSS styles.
The local path you want your sprite exported to, including the name of the sprite.
Default is false. Will add compass sprite snippet to top of scss. Only change this to true if your project uses compass sprites and you want to merge badass icons into the main project sprite.
Local path to
file that contains sprite data. If using compass sprites and scss, this should be a.scss
file andincludeCompassSpriteStyles:true
option should also be set.
Options for optimising your SVGs. See SVGO repo for all options -
Clears the specified tmp directory at the end of build, if true. Defaults to true.
An array of file names to ignore within the
. Doesn't currently accept globbing patterns.
Adds lossy PNGQuant compression to the sprite (uses Imagemin), for roughly 70% file size savings. Defaults to
keepUncompressed: false,
pngQuantSettings: {quality: '80-90', speed: 1 }
If you don't want to generate a sprite or any PNG fallbacks, say, because you don't need ie8 support, make this
. Defaults to true.
If you want to show the icons even when JS is turned off, you can use the handlebars template supplied in
, which uses anoscript
element to show the background sprite. It adds a bit of extra markup to the page, and is a pain if you're not using a templating language (like Handlebars), but solves the problem.
Careful: Don't change the CSS so that the sprite is shown on the
element when
class is shown. If you do that, the page will make a request for the sprite even if JS is enabled (in the split second before JS kicks in) and modern browsers will load a big PNG that they'll never use.
- File names will generate css class names as part of build. Please keep them short, all lowercase and without any spaces. They must fall within the regex 'a-z-_0-9' and not start with a number.
These SVGs get processed into a single js svgloader.js
, which dynamically embeds the SVG inline just after the body tag is opened.
The following markup must be placed in the markup just after the body tag is opened and must be loaded synchronously (a standard script tag is the easiest way).
<span class="svgdefs"></span>
<script src="/path/to/svgloader.js"></script>
Example including sprite fallback, a single standalone PNG and PNG compression switched off.
src: 'path/to/svg/directory/'
,dest: "path/to/output/directory/"
,options: {
cssPrefix: "bad" // sprites will take this folder name as part of class name, so keep it short
,spriteUrl: "/absolute/url/to/sprite.png"
,spriteOutput: "local/path/to/sprite/file.png"
// if 'standAlone' is marked as true, files will get copied to this directory
,standAlonePngDir: "path/to/standalone/png/output/directory/"
// Default is compressSprite.keepUncompressed = false
,compressSprite: {
keepUncompressed: true
,stylesOutput: "path/to/css/or/scss/output/file.css"
,items: [
{ filename: "camera", class: "camera-warm", w: 50, h:44, fillCol: "orange" }
,{ filename: "camera", class: "camera-cold", w: 50, h:44, fillCol: "blue", standAlone: true }
,{ filename: "cloud", class: "cloud-down", w: 50, h:41, fillCol: "#999" }
,{ filename: "code", class: "code-sm-bright", w: 50, h:38, fillCol: "yellow" }
,{ filename: "code", class: "code-md-bright", w: 60, h:45, fillCol: "yellow" }
,{ filename: "code", class: "code-lg-bright", w: 80, h:60, fillCol: "yellow" }
// may be useful to make this false when testing output
,clearTmpDir: false
Example that disabled the sprite generation, which results in a faster build, if you don't need ie8 support. Also includes some custom SVGO options.
src: '<%= rootDir %>tests/resources/svgs/'
,dest: "<%= rootDir %>dist/test2/"
,options: {
cssPrefix: "bad" // sprites will take this folder name as part of class name, so keep it short
,stylesOutput: "path/to/css/or/scss/output/file.css"
,items: [
{ filename: "camera", class: "camera-warm", w: 50, h:44, fillCol: "orange" }
,{ filename: "cloud", class: "cloud-down", w: 50, h:41, fillCol: "#999" }
,{ filename: "code", class: "code-sm-bright", w: 50, h:38, fillCol: "yellow" }
,includeFallback: false // no png or sprite generation
,svgoPlugins: [
* One Apache server configuration has been known to convert certain combinations of numbers into ********** asterisk characters.
* Suspected cause is some kind of malware protection blocking known number sequences in viruses.
* This is a very rare edge case, but if you come across it, turning off the following 'convert' plugins will fix it.
* However, as this same compression is used in PDFs and Font Awesome icons, you must start with an uncompressed source, or else
* it will keep happening.
{ convertPathData: false }
,{ convertStyleToAttrs: false }
,{ convertTransform: false }
,{ convertShapeToPath: false }
A modified version of the HTML5 Shiv - - has been included, which adds <svg>
and <use>
elements. This should be placed within an IE8 conditional comment. If you already have an HTML5 'shiv' or 'shim' on the page, remove it and use this one instead.
Font Awesome offers similar advantages to Grunt Badass, when optimising icons:
- custom vector icons
- retina screen support
- single header request
- CSS colouring
- You can animate these colours using CSS in modern browsers (need to check if possible with FA).
But Font Awesome does have some drawbacks:
- Only a single colour change can be applied and it colours the entire vector image.
- Resizing by font-size is a bit awkward.
- Can be difficult to get pixel perfect positioning in some browsers, due to the fact that it is a font.
The one advantage Font Awesome has is that it supports IE6 & IE7, whereas Grunt Badass only supports IE8.
So, if you only have to support IE8 and up, plus anything above Android 2.3 (all other major browsers are supported), the advantages to Grunt Badass are as follows:
- Both fills and strokes can be changed with CSS on individual instances.
- You can have multiple colours in an SVG too, but just alter one of the colours with CSS. This colour is configured using the hex value (a flouro-green)
. - You can add descriptive titles to your SVG icons, which improves accessibility.
- SVGs are a standard way to implement vector images in modern browsers.
- The IE8 fallback uses a sprite, which also is small in filesize and has a single header request.
About inline SVGs and definitions Scroll down to 'Using "inline" SVG' -
About loading SVGs with js
About inline SVGs with the tag
SVGs vs Font Icons
- Currently only supports Adobe Illustrator SVGs
- You can only alter 1 fill and 1 stroke colour in each SVG instance. They can be different colours.
- NodeJS/NPM
- GruntJS
- 2015-05-27 v0.1.12 Added example config to docs.
- 2015-03-31 v0.1.11 Added error for when embedded image is found is svg.
- 2015-03-23 v0.1.10 Added support for non-js version, using a handlebars template and 'noscript' element with the sprite.
- 2015-03-23 v0.1.9 Added a dash between 'svgPrefix' and svg id.
- 2015-02-13 v0.1.8 Changed 'copySafeSrc()' to 'svgMin()'. Added 'includeFallback' {boolean} option, defaulting to true.
- 2015-02-05 v0.1.7 Added defaults for SVGO plugin and tests for it.
- 2015-02-05 v0.1.6 Add option
, which uses Imagemin/PNGQuant lossy compression. - 2015-02-05 v0.1.5 Updated docs and version bumped.
- 2015-02-05 v0.1.4 First functional version. Removed cwd option and badass:dist example. Added 'HTML5shiv' (modified for svgs), plus options for
. - 2015-02-05 v0.1.3 Added tests for 'runSvgLoaderGruntTasks()' and included extra functionality, including UIDs, to it
- 2015-01-29 v0.1.2 Removed 'svgDir' option and added svgo, svgstore and svgloader.js into the task. Unit tests still need updating.
- 2015-01-28 v0.1.1 Changed to "spritesmith". Added unit tests. Changed config variables a bit after writing tests. Separated scss styles for non-sass version.
- 2015-01-12 v0.1.0 Open sourcing project for first time. Uses Ruby & Compass for sprite generation, but will likely be changed to "spritesmith" in near future.
Task submitted by Jim Doyle