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gauteh edited this page Mar 27, 2013 · 2 revisions

This Thunderbird was on Windows. The Windows path to the data files was: '.../Documents and Settings/mywindowslogin/Application Data/Thunderbird/Profiles/clds8flz.default/Mail'

clds8flz is probably some random thing generated by Thunderbird in lieu of a named profile.

Each directory under Mail is a main folder in Thunderbird (like an email account, Local Folders, or News). In each of those directories, each file without an extension is a mail collection (like Inbox, Drafts, Sent, etc.). The mail collections are some form of mbox, but people have had various problems importing them into Sup.

This solution involves converting the mbox files into maildir collections using the mb2md utility, which in this case was obtained through apt-get on Ubuntu. Sup was able to import the maildir collections problem free.

Create two directories, mboxes and mdirs. Under mboxes, create a directory for each Thunderbird folder and copy the mail collections into each folder, excluding collections you don't want (like Trash).

In the mdirs directory, also create a directory for each Thunderbird folder you wish to import. Within each of those directories create an empty directory for each mail collection (e.g. Inbox). Here's some ruby used in irb to accomplish this. Perhaps this can serve as the beginning of a script to automate the conversion.

Ruby code (run with i.e. irb):

 `ls mboxes`.split("\n").each {|dir| `ls mboxes/#{dir}`.split("\n").each {|mbox| `mkdir mdirs/#{dir}/#{mbox}`}}

Now use mb2md to convert each mbox file into a maildir.

Ruby code (run with i.e. irb):

 `ls mboxes`.split("\n").each {|dir| `ls mboxes/#{dir}`.split("\n").each 
   {|mbox| `mb2md -s /home/dave/Mailstore/mboxes/#{dir}/#{mbox} -d /home/dave/Mailstore/mdirs/#{dir}/#{mbox}`}}

Add the maildirs to sup, adding two tags, one for the Thunderbird folder and one for the name of the mail collection.

Ruby code (run with i.e. irb):

 `ls mdirs`.split("\n").each {|dir| `ls mdirs/#{dir}`.split("\n").each 
   {|mdir| `sup-add -ul #{dir.downcase},#{mdir.downcase} maildir:/home/dave/Mailstore/mdirs/#{dir}/#{mdir}`}}
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