This project is a tensorflow implement of our work, ECM.
Due to the copyright of the STC dataset, you can ask Lifeng Shang ([email protected]) for the STC dataset (Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation), and build the ESTC dataset follow the instruction in the Data Preparation Section of our paper, ECM.
The basic format of the sample data is [text, emotion tag1, emotion tag2], where emotion tag1 is generated by neural network classifier which is used in our model, and emotion tag2 is generated by rule-based classifier which is not used.
For your convenience, we also recommand you implement your model using the nlpcc2017 dataset (, which has more than 1 million Weibo post-response pairs with emotional labels.
- train
python --use_emb --use_imemory --use_ememory
You can remove "--use_emb", "--use_imemory", "--use_ememory" to remove the embedding, internal memory, and external memory module respectively.
- test
python --use_emb --use_imemory --use_ememory --decode
You can test and apply the ecm model using this command. Note: the input words should be splitted by ' ', for example, '我 很 喜欢 你 !', or you can add the chinese text segmentation module in split() function.
- Python 2.7
- Tensorflow 0.12
- Numpy